From NYC Stop Mass Incarceration Network:
Demand a Permit to March New Years Eve!
December 31, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
12/31, 3 PM: The Stop Mass Incarceration Network in NYC held a press conference on the steps of City Hall to denounce the NYC Dept of Parks and Recreation and the NYPD for denying a permit for people to rally and march on New Year's Eve to protest police murder of Black and Brown people. Protesters have been denied a permit to march from Union Square to Times Square. The press release said "The Stop Mass Incarceration Network reaffirms their conviction that people have the right to take their demand that police killings of Black and Brown people stop to the 'crossroads' of the world. They have the right to demand justice for Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Akai Gurley, and all the other victims murdered by the police, and put that demand before the world audience whose eyes will be on Times Square for New Year's Eve."
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TODAY— NYC Stop Mass Incarceration Network is calling for actions to rally in Union Square and march into Times Square on New Year’s Eve to demand --No New Year Under This Old System! We Can’t Breathe!
Call, Tweet and/or write the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio and demand that NYC Parks and NYPD grant the permits to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network for these actions to
take place.
Call (646) 610-5000, ask for the liaison to NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, and either speak in person or leave a voice mail with the above demand
Tweet the following message to @NYCMayorsOffice and @NYPDnews and @CommissBratton:
RT Grant permit 2 StopMassIncarcerationNetwork 2 march 2 Times Sq New Year's Eve to stop police killing Black & Brown ppl
To contact the Mayor:
Go to: and fill out email with:
We demand that NYC Parks and NYPD grant the permit to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network to rally in Union Square and march into Times Square on New Year's Eve to demand no more police murdering Black & Brown people with impunity.
Call and email the Mayor Bill de Blasio's Press Office with the same demand: (212) 788-2958
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