Scenes from Tamir Rice Day, February 22
February 23, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |
February 22 was a day of action—in Cleveland and nationwide—calling for Justice for Tamir Rice and all other children who have been victims of police murder. Here are photos we have received so far from some of the actions.
Canfield Apartments, Ferguson, Missouri, February 22. Photo: Special to

W. Florissant Ave., Ferguson, February 22.
Photo: Special to
Ferguson, MO—35 people came to a Justice for Tamir Rice afternoon vigil called by Ferguson-St. Louis SMIN at the spot where Michael Brown was murdered by killer cop Darren Wilson. People signed a “from Ferguson to Cleveland” poster with photos of Tamir and Michael, and black balloons were released to commemorate the stolen lives. Residents from surrounding Canfield Apartments and a university professor joined the action. In the evening a candlelight march called by Ferguson Frontline went from Canfield Apts. and marched defiantly up and down W. Florissant Ave., blocking traffic briefly. Mothers of police murder victims Vonderrit Myers and Cary Ball welcomed the crowd.

Cleveland, 1st District Police Headquarters.
Photos: Special to
Cleveland—Exactly three months after 12-year-old Tamir Rice was gunned down by police, people gathered at the front of the First District police headquarters and blocked traffic to protest the murder. There was a candlelight vigil in the evening at the site of Tamir's murder—which included Tamir's mother and his aunt, who read the names of children killed by police across the U.S.

Photos: Special to
New York City—Protesters gathered at Gowanus Houses, the housing project in Brooklyn where 13-year-old Nicholas Heyward Jr. was killed in 1994 while playing with a toy gun. Nicholas Heyward Sr. told the wrenching story of his son's murder and demanded that cops be indicted in all such cases. Earlier in the day, there was also a protest in Harlem.

Photo: Special to
Oakland—Rally and speak-out called by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network.

Photo: Special to
Chicago—People rallied on the west side at the site where 19-year-old Roshad McIntosh was killed by police last year. His mother was one of the speakers. In the photo, people hold pictures of Tamir Rice and a poster honoring the life of Roshad McIntosh. There was a candlelight vigil by Black Lives Matter later in the day.
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