Latest News:
June 9, 2015
Don't believe the hype
Baltimore Authorities and Media Lie about Drugs Stolen from Pharmacies
June 1, 2015
Spoiling the "Blue Lives Matter" Spectacle in Baltimore
May 25, 2015
The Baltimore Police Murder of Tyrone West—and the Hard-Fought Struggle for Justice
"We're not going to stop till killer cops are in cell blocks!"
Baltimore: Taking the Battle for Justice for Freddie Gray to the Doors of the FOP
Interview in West Baltimore: "We need a revolution. We do."
May 21, 2015
Forum, Thursday May 28 in Baltimore
Uprising in Baltimore—Our Fight Has Just Begun
6:30 at First Unitarian Church, 514 N. Charles, Baltimore
Interviews with Johns Hopkins Students
Stepping Out from an Elite Campus, and Standing with the Rebels of Baltimore
May 18, 2015
Revolution Interview with D. Watkins:
Super-Segregation, Police Terror, and People's Uprising in Baltimore
West Baltimore: "I Take a Lot of Pleasure Being Part of This... Even Though It's in the Beginning Stages"
May 12, 2015
Prince Draws Thousands to Baltimore Concert
May 12, 2015
May 11, 2015
Charges, Backlash, and the Fight for JUSTICE for Freddie Gray
May 11, 2015
Watching Clips from the Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian in West Baltimore
May 11, 2015
Revolution Club Member on Going to Baltimore:
Eye Opening to See the Hood, Amazing to See People Rise Up
May 11, 2015
May 7, 2015
An Electric Brew of Jubilation, Power, and Fury in the Streets of Baltimore: Murder By Police Must STOP!
by Sunsara Taylor
May 7, 2015
May 4, 2015
It's Right to Rebel! Get Organized for an Actual Revolution!
Baltimore Uprising: Our Fight Has Just Begun
Reporter's Notebook:
May 2: Marching in Occupied Baltimore to Continue to Demand Justice for Freddie Gray
Pennsylvania and North, West Baltimore youth—including from street organizations—drawn to the Revolution Club banner saying "We REFUSE to Accept Slavery in Any Form" and "Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution." Photos: Special to
Revolution Club in Baltimore, May 2
May 1, 2015
On the Indictments of the Pigs who Murdered Freddie Gray
April 30, 2015
Coast to Coast Outrage and Protest in Solidarity with Baltimore and Freddie Gray
April 28, 2015
From Social Media:
Postings On the Uprising in Baltimore
April 28, 2015
April 27, 2015
Unity in Baltimore, April 25
Baltimore, April 25 Photo: Twitter/@Deray
Baltimore, April 25
Baltimore, April 25
Members of the Revolution Club, Baltimore, April 25 Photo: Special to
Baltimore, April 25 Photo: Cat April Watters
Baltimore, April 25 Photo: Cat April Watters
Baltimore, April 25
Iris Baez, mother of Anthony Baez who was killed by New York police in 1994. Baltimore, April 25
Baltimore, April 25 Photo: Twitter/@JamesFromTheInternet
Baltimore, April 25
Baltimore, April 25
Taking the Streets to Fight for Justice for Freddie Gray
April 25 Protest Disrupts Business-as-Usual in Baltimore
April 27, 2015
The Police Murder of Freddie Gray
April 27, 2015
April 25, 2015
April 25: Thousands Rally and March Through Baltimore Streets to Demand Justice for Freddie Gray
The people are still out in the streets in Baltimore—and very rightly so, because the killer cops who brutalized and murdered Freddie Gray are still walking around unindicted. On Saturday, over thousand gathered at the corner where on April 12 he was chased down and cuffed by cops—he died in police custody a week later. There were lots of people from the 'hood, a very poor Black area—but also many from other parts of the city and from other cities nearby and further away; people of all different nationalities and from different walks of life; various political organizations and trends.
April 23, 2015
Update from Baltimore Protests against the Murder of Freddie Gray
From a correspondent
Thursday, April 23—This was the fifth straight day of protests in the streets of Baltimore since Freddie Gray died in the hands of police. After a rally and a march around the plaza in front of City Hall, hundreds poured into the streets of downtown Baltimore, snarling rush hour traffic. Many of the protesters were young and Black—but there were also people of different ages and nationalities.
Baltimore, April 23
April 23, 2015
Protesters demanding justice for Freddie Gray rallied at the City Hall and marched to the Federal courthouse where different speakers, including clergy, addressed the crowd—a crowd that included family of Freddie Gray. The following audio clip is from Carl Dix' speech at the rally. Carl is a co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, and a representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Before the audio starts, Carl begins to talk about the murder of his brother-in-law by Baltimore police many decades ago.
April 23, 2015
New narrated video by witness to horrific police brutalizing of Freddie Gray before his death at the Baltimore Sun “Freddie Gray Was Folded Like Orgami”– watch this here now.
April 23, 2015 afternoon
From a Revolution/ correspondent:
"We're gonna be out here every day, until something happens. We're out here all week, even if next week I got to be out here by myself out here… because we need a change."
--A young Black woman from Freddie Gray's neighborhood
On Wednesday afternoon, April 22, people gathered at the corner near Gilmor Homes projects in Baltimore, as they've done every day since Freddie Gray died, murdered by the police. A group of youths was impatient—"Come on, we gotta march and occupy the police station." They formed a line, five or six men and women in each line, and started down the middle of the street—"All night, all day, we're gonna fight for Freddie Gray."
April 22, 2015
Interview with a young woman in the streets of Baltimore:
"For them to just be running around and getting away with killing people is not OK."
April 21: Thousands march in front of the Baltimore Western District police station to seek justice for Freddie Gray, who died after being taken into police custody. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
April 22, 2015 7 pm
Revolution Club joins protests on the streets of Baltimore 4/22/15 in protest demanding justice for Freddie Gray
April 22: From Our Correspondent on the Streets of Baltimore—6 PM
This afternoon people gathered at the corner where Freddie Gray was brutalized—before his death. The youth were angry and ready to march.
Above, 6pm April 22, in the streets for justice for Freddie Gray
Above, 6:15pm April 22, in the streets for justice for Freddie Gray
April 21
Protests have rocked Baltimore since Freddie Gray died on April 19. The police suspended the six cops involved in arresting Freddie—but have not explained how he suffered the serious spinal injury that apparently led to his death. On Tuesday, April 21, more than 1,000 people marched in the streets and in front of the police station where Freddie was taken after his arrest, and more protests are being called for. Check back at tomorrow for coverage directly from Baltimore.
Freddie Gray's family and friends marched at the front of the protests April 21. Photo: AP
(See a Baltimore Sun video on protests against the police murder of Freddie Gray here.)
April 18: Protesters took to the street and marched to the police station where Freddie Gray was taken to, chanting, "All night, all day, we gonna fight for Freddie Gray."
High Stakes in Baltimore
May 11, 2015
Revolution Interview with D. Watkins:
Super-Segregation, Police Terror, and People's Uprising in Baltimore
Obama's "Let Legal System Work" = Let Murdering Police Walk
May 11, 2015
To the Revolutionaries and Resisters
in Baltimore and Beyond:
What Is It That The Masses Most Fundamentally Must Be Led to Understand and Act On?
April 28, 2015
Voices from the Streets of Baltimore
Updated 4/28/15 early evening
Freddie Gray's family and friends marched at the front of the protests April 21. Photo: AP
Carl Dix speaks in Baltimore,
May 2, 2015
Carl Dix, co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Movement and representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party
This audio clip is from Carl Dix' speech at the April 23 rally in Baltimore. Carl is a co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, and a representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Before the audio starts, Carl begins to talk about the murder of his brother-in-law by Baltimore police many decades ago.

Baltimore –
Another Black Man's Life
Stolen by the Police!
Statement by Carl Dix
Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old Black man, is dead after being taken into custody by Baltimore City cops. Freddie was chased and arrested on April 12. Why? We don’t know because police haven’t yet made public why they arrested him. All we know is that Freddie ran when the cops swaggered into the neighborhood like an occupying army. A video made by a witness to his arrest shows him being dragged to the police van screaming like he was in excruciating pain and seemingly unable to walk. 40 minutes later, the police call an ambulance to the precinct Freddie was taken to, and at the hospital doctors find his spinal cord had been broken. Freddie died a week later. The city has exploded in protest, with 2000 people in the streets on April 21 demanding Justice For Freddie.
Baltimore City officials are saying, “People should wait for the results of our thorough investigation.” Apologists for the cops ask, ‘Why did he run in the first place?” I don’t want to hear any of that crap. Freddie is another Black man whose life was stolen by the police. This is a horror that has been going on for decades and is intensifying today. It is a concentration of the slow genocide being enforced on Black and Latino people by this capitalist/imperialist system. It will take revolution, nothing less, to end this, and all the other horrors this system forces humanity to endure. And everybody who refuses to stand by while the color of someone’s skin determines how they live and whether they live needs to join those in the streets of Baltimore and everywhere else saying that “Police Getting Away With Murder Must STOP!”