Update on Earth2Trump Resistance Roadshow: 500 in Tucson, Arizona
January 9, 2017 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
Earth2Trump Roadshow in Tucson, January 7. Photo: Twitter/@TucsonRomero

On January 7 in Tucson, Arizona, 500 people attended the latest sold-out concert organized by the Center for Biological Diversity, part of their 16-city roadshow against Donald Trump, called Earth2Trump. The two parts of the roadshow kicked off in Seattle and Oakland on January 2 (see a revcom.us correspondence on the kickoff here) and is due to arrive in Washington, D.C., on January 20 to be part of the protests against Trump’s scheduled inauguration. Earth2Trump organizers describe the roadshow as “building a vast network of resistance to incoming President Trump” and “to all forms of oppression and attacks on the environment.” At each stop, there is a free show that includes live music and speakers. The Tucson event followed a show in Reno with 200 people the night before, and equally packed events in Oakland, Seattle, and Portland earlier in the week.
At the shows and on line, people have also been signing the national Pledge of Resistance to Donald Trump’s Assault on America’s Environment, Democracy and Civil Rights, which reads in part:
I pledge to stand in resistance to Donald Trump’s assault on America’s clean air, clean water, climate, wildlife, civil rights, reproductive rights, gender and racial equality, and freedom of speech and religion.
I pledge to stand in solidarity with those threatened by violence and intimidation because of who they are, what they believe or their opposition to Trump’s dangerous agenda.
Donald Trump is an unprecedented threat to our nation’s democracy, health and environment. He must not be allowed to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency, gut the Clean Air and Endangered Species acts, raid our public lands, eliminate regulations protecting poor communities from pollution, deport millions of people, take away our reproductive freedom, or force millions to live in fear. I pledge to resist Trump through action.
As of this writing, 23,450 people have signed the pledge.
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