Thursday, September 27:
16 Minutes of Action for 16 Shots
Convict Van Dyke and Throw Him in Jail! The Whole Damn System Is Guilty as Hell—and Needs to Be Overthrown!
| Revolution Newspaper |
From the Revolution Club, Chicago:
As the trial of murderous pig Jason Van Dyke enters the third week and the “defense phase” of the trial, now is NOT the time to be silent or “wait and see.” NOW is the time to act and draw the lines: WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Convict Van Dyke and Throw Him in Jail! The Whole Damn System Is Guilty as Hell—and Needs to Be Overthrown!
In Chicago:
Thursday, September 27—16 minutes of action for 16 shots
TBA—Follow @RevClubChi on Facebook and Twitter
Monday, September 24—Trial enters “defense” phase.
8 am Rally at the Cook County Courthouse (26th & California)
7 pm Join in with a candlelight vigil at 40th & Pulaski
Tuesday, September 25—Laquan McDonald’s Birthday
6 pm at 26th & California. Balloon release and birthday celebration of what would have been Laquan’s 21st birthday.
When the Verdict Comes In—Time and place to be chosen soon (follow @RevclubChi) to gather when the verdict comes in. If Van Dyke IS found guilty, CELEBRATE the struggle that achieved this. IF Van Dyke is allowed to go free, business as usual NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN.
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