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| Revolution Newspaper |
Tuesday February 5:
State of the Union Address – Protest
Into the Streets With the Message:
To the World’s Migrants and All of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
- New York City: Meet at 8:00 pm, Columbus Circle, March to Trump Tower (5th Avenue and 57th Street). Facebook Event
- Atlanta: 5:30-7 pm, Moreland Ave. and Freedom Pkwy. Facebook Event
- Boston: 5:00 to 7:00 pm, Park Street Station Upstairs, Boston Commons, 139 Tremont Street, Boston, MA. Facebook Event
- Honolulu: 4:00 pm, Thomas Square, corner of King Street & Ward
- Houston: 4:30 – 6:00 pm: Montrose Blvd bridge over 59 Freeway: “Bridge Blogging” (holding signs over the rush hour traffic). 7:30 pm: Gather in front of KTRK tv Channel 13, 3310 Bissonnet, Houston 77005. 8:00 – 9:00 pm: Drown out Trump with pots and pans, sirens, whistles, and our voices! Facebook Event
- Los Angeles: 5:30 pm Meet at 7th St. / 110 Freeway overpass in Downtown Los Angeles. Facebook Event
- San Francisco: 5:30 pm, SF Union Square (on the corner of Geary Blvd. & Powell St.). Facebook Event
- Philadelpha: 8:30 PM – 10 PM, 34th St and Market St. Facebook Event
- Seattle: 5-6:30 PM, Broadway and Pike Streets. Facebook Event
Go here for location updates
On the Night of Trump’s State of the Union Address (Feb 5)
Into the Streets With the Message:
To the World’s Migrants and All of Humanity,
We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
State of the Union? How about the state of HUMANITY!? Enough of Trump and his fascist regime’s assaults on our lives, here and around the world. Enough of Trump’s reign of terror and the escalating damage inflicted on the interconnected ecosystems of this planet.
Enough! Basta Ya!
On Tuesday February 5: Don’t sit watching by yourself, disgusted and outraged!
Bounce from your home… and…flood the street corners in cities large and small to demand: To The World’s Migrants and All of Humanity: We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! No to Trump’s Fascist Wall and their program of ethnic cleansing — NO TO ALL ATTACKS on immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers – a lynchpin and a battering ram of the Trump/Pence Regime’s entire fascist program also targeting women, LGBTQ, the Black masses, people all over the world, science and the earth itself.
And… Enough of the Democratic Party’s complicity on “border security,” family separation and asylum seekers. High tech drones, sensors, satellites, enhanced fencing and more border patrol agents is their plan for keeping immigrants out. We also must reject this plan, since it also leads to atrocities and is complicit with Trump’s program of ethnic cleansing. We need sustained, nationwide protests and a society-wide struggle to remove the fascist Trump-Pence regime. Making Trump’s State of the Union an evening of #RefuseandReject can contribute to this.
No more relying on saviors to oust a fascist regime and of passivity rooted in illusion, of failed predictions this fascist regime will self-implode any day or be swept aside by those at the top of this society. No more of that! Fascism can come to power through the ballot box but fascism cannot be voted out ~ the people must drive it from power.
And… enough already of the the numbing television news promoting these illusions ~ of ‘couch-lock’ (passivity and quiescence) and the complicity of millions and millions ~ as a fascist horror unfolds daily and the Trump/Pence regime rapidly transforms society and government into an open terroristic dictatorship.
On Tuesday before, during, and after the State of the Union, get onto street corners… let’s take history into our own hands. Let’s drown them out and powerfully snatch the spotlight, with a massive and loud refusal and rejection of the entire fascist direction of this society and this world.
In the name of humanity, THIS IS A CALL for a night of Refusal and Rejection of a Fascist America during Trump’s State of the Union.
On the night of Trump’s State of the Union, at 9:00 pm Eastern/8:00 pm Central/7:00 pm Mountain/6:00 pm Pacific Time: Get your friends, colleagues and neighbors together and lets get the hell onto the streets, in two’s three’s twenty’s and hundreds, with posters, banners, projections, noise-makers (pots and pans and musical instruments…) expressing our REFUSAL to Accept a Fascist America.
Most importantly… let this night of Refusal and Rejection contribute to the time, in the not too distant future, when tens of thousands, in cities large and small, won’t just protest for a day, or one night, but will come back out, day after day and night after night, growing our protest from thousands to millions, to the achieve the single, unifying objective of driving out the fascist Trump/Pence regime. The people of the world are counting on us. national team
917 407 1286 is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in the recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met.
Go to to learn more and find out how to participate.
Get the message out everywhere and organize people into Refuse Fascism
Boldly challenge people to confront that we are facing FASCISM which can only be stopped through mass independent sustained political protest from below demanding the removal of the whole regime.
Printable flyer PDF. Take to a print shop. Or, to print on a home or office printer, download the PDF file, and choose the Two-Sided option in your printer dialog. Then cut the flyers in half with a paper cutter.

Get these signs up and out! Download this zip file with printable PDFs for both signs. Take them to a print shop or print them yourself and glue them on any kind of poster board.
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