Raise your voice to demand: Drop the charges on #UCLA4!
| revcom.us
When a member of Trump's fascist cabinet comes to your campus...
Should you keep your head down, and focus on your grades?
Ignore it and what's going on in the world around you?
Or should you do this:

These are members of the Revolution Club and Refuse Fascism who spoke out while Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin was at UCLA in February 2018. For this, they were brutally arrested and are being dragged into court with two facing up to 9 months in jail and two others facing more than 2 and a half years!
While universities have spent 100s of 1000s of dollars protecting the free speech of fascists, speaking out against fascism is being criminalized. Professors are reported by right-wing students, amplified by hysterical fascist media unleashing a swarm of internet trolls—all working to drive critical thinking out of academia. Evolution, climate science, the truth about American history and its role in the world today, Ethnic Studies and anything evidence based are under assault. Instead of saying NO, the universities are facilitating the suppression of dissent and normalizing a fascist remaking of the country.
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America.
What does American Fascism look like? America First virulent nationalism, white supremacy and patriarchal domination wrapped in the flag and the Bible. Gutting the rule of law and civil liberties, ruling through open terror and violence and unleashing fascist mobs.
While you try to stay focused on personal success, the world around you is being torn asunder.
Choose a side... or history will choose for you.
Join Refuse Fascism, organizing to drive this regime from power through mass, sustained, non-violent protest in the streets, growing week by week and day by day until our demand is met: Trump/Pence Must Go NOW!
Raise your voice to demand: Drop the charges on the #UCLA4!
- Donate to the Refuse Fascism legal defense, including urgently needed travel funds at donate.refusefascism.org
- Pack the courtroom and stay tuned for trial updates: Airport Courthouse Dept 90, 11701 S. La Cienega (Just south of Imperial Hwy/105 Freeway). Stay tuned at @revclub_la or @refusefascismla
- Call UCLA Chancellor Gene Block's Office to demand they issue a statement that the charges be dropped and to protest UCPD spying of the Revolution Club. Call 310.825.2151
- Demand City Attorney Mike Feuer Drop the Charges! Call 213.978.8100
323.424.6687 • revclub_la@yahoo.com • Social Media: @revclub_la
www.revcom.us • @tuneintorevcom
Join the Revolution Club. We are working to overthrow this system through mass revolution, aiming at the emancipation of all humanity from all forms of oppression. We stand and fight for:
Revolution—NOTHING LESS!
And the Emancipation of Humanity!
Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution!
Download PDF flier for printing
ALERT!#UCLA4 cases on a trial fast track. Pack the courtroom for Monday's hearing.
— Revolution Club Los Angeles (@revclub_la) September 19, 2019
Will campuses be complicit? Or will students rise up & demand: We Refuse to
Accept a Fascist America! Trump/Pence Must Go NOW!
Demand @Mike_Feuer drop the charges against these revolutionaries. pic.twitter.com/FYz6ZdEvLP
Steve 'the Mouse' Mnuchin:
— revcom.us/Revolution (@tuneintorevcom) March 6, 2018
The young women from @RefuseFascism & @RevClubUCLA are challenging you to a debate! Since you were so flustered by them last time, giving you a second chance.
Anytime, anywhere!@stevenmnuchin1 pic.twitter.com/cKjBDGfciU

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