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“This Is NOT A Reelection Campaign, It’s a Fascist Rolling Coup! Join the Movement to STOP It!”

Andy Zee and Sunsara Taylor begin with a salute to those in the streets answering the call from to launch and fight to grow day-after-day nonviolent protests across the country to demand Trump/Pence Out Now! Episode 29 drives home why this fight must be persevered in, featuring:
- Early footage for the Pledge to the People of the World delivered by R&B artist Lala Hathaway and philosopher and activist Cornel West
- Five Ways the Trump/Pence Fascists Are Already Stealing the Election… And What We Can—and Must—Do About It
- “Donald Trump—Genocidal Racist” Parts 9 and 10 by Bob Avakian, read by Noche Diaz
- Major excerpts of a dialogue on “How Fascism Works and How We Can Stop It” between Jason Stanley, author of How Fascism Works, and Andy Zee, host of The RNL Show, sponsored by Revolution Books and the Brooklyn Book Festival.
- Teaser: Jean Guerrero on her newly released book, Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda. (Full interview will air next week.)
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