Coast to Coast Actions
Denounce PA Court Decision

Revolutionary Worker #982, November 15, 1998

AS WE GO TO PRESS--Significant actions took place across the U.S. on November 7, demanding a stop to the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

2,500 people held a spirited march through the streets of Philadelphia, coming from all over the East Coast and Midwest as well as Philadelphia itself. At the state office building, Mumia's lead attorney Leonard Weinglass stressed that only a movement among the people can stop the execution of Mumia and denounced the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's denial of Mumia's appeal: "All of these witnesses and all of our evidence on the ballistics disappeared. It was disappeared by this court....It's important that we come together, it's important that our strength grow, it's important that we remain united and it's important that we free Mumia!" Political prisoner Leonard Peltier sent a solidarity statement from Leavenworth prison. Pam Africa, Julia Wright, and Clark Kissinger addressed the crowd.

A thousand people marched from downtown San Francisco through the neighborhoods of the Western Addition and Hayes Valley. Hundreds of students and youth, including 40 students from Castlemont High in Oakland brought a defiant spirit to the march.

In downtown Chicago, 275 people marched and spoke for Mumia. In Los Angeles, 250 people rallied at the Westside Federal Building for a march against the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine told the RW: "For Rage Against the Machine, Mumia has been tremendously inspirational in our music and in our live show, and is an example of courage and integrity and determination to make the world a better place. It has totally been inspirational to us, and we're going to do everything we can to stop his execution, get him a new trial and free Mumia."


November 7 marches were planned for Mumia in many other places in the U.S. and around the world. Check out the RW and RW Online next week for more coverage.

Make sure there are no secret upsurges: Help the RW provide "information as weaponry" during this intensifying struggle to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Fax press releases, statements and reports on actions for Mumia--"To the Attention of the Revolutionary Worker" at (773) 227-4497.

This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolutionary Worker Online
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