7 Talks - by Bob Avakian

7 Talks

Why We're in the Situation We're in Today... And What to Do About It: A Thoroughly Rotten System and the Need for Revolution
Track 1, Track 2, Track 3


Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy
Track 1, Track 2, Track 3


Communism: A Whole New World and the Emancipation of All Humanity—Not "The Last Shall Be First, and The First Shall Be Last"
Track 1, Track 2


The NBA: Marketing the Minstrel Show and Serving the Big Gangsters
Track 1, Track 2


Communism and Religion: Getting Up and Getting Free—Making Revolution to Change the Real World, Not Relying on "Things Unseen"
Track 1, Track 2, Track 3 , Track 4


Conservatism, Christian Fundamentalism, Liberalism and Paternalism ... Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton ... Not All "Right" But All Wrong!
Track 1, Track 2, Track 3


"Balance" Is the Wrong Criterion—and a Cover for a Witch-hunt—What We Need Is the Search for the Truth: Education, Real Academic Freedom, Critical Thinking and Dissent
Track 1, Track 2

Q&A Question and Answer Session with Concluding Remarks
Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, Question 5, Question 6, Question 7, Question 8, Question 9, Question 10, Question 11, Question 12, Question 13, Question 14, Question 15, Question 16, Question 17, Question 18, Question 19, Question 20, Question 21, Question 22

Concluding Remarks