Ways To Donate To The Revolution Newspaper Fund Drive
You can give your gift in several forms:
- In one single donation
- In monthly or quarterly installments, up to the total of your gift
- As an ongoing monthly or quarterly sustainer.
With any gift of $100 or more, you receive a complimentary 1-year mailed subscription to Revolution. Please indicate where you would like the subscription mailed, or if you wish to decline this offer. (See pledge card.)
How to Donate by Check or Money Order
Make checks or money orders payable to “RCP Publications”. Indicate it is for the Fund Drive. If you want to earmark your gift for a specific project, please note that in the memo line on your check, or in your correspondence. If you want to give in installments, indicate that on your pledge card or in your correspondence -- in what amounts and when you want to give them. If you want to become a sustainer, indicate that.
Mail to:
RCP Publications
Box 3486 Merchadise Mart
Chicago, IL 60654
How to Donate On-line
You can donate directly using your credit card.
Go to revcom.us home page and click on “Donate to the $500,000 Fund Drive.” (Top right corner of page.) You will be able to choose the form of your donation (1-time contribution, sustainer).
At this time, donations are NOT tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. Also, at the present time, RCP Publications cannot accept any contributions or gifts from readers who reside outside the borders of the United States.
If you have any questions, please email revfund@hotmail.com. You can also send your questions to Revolution Fund Drive, RCP Publications at the above address.
Revolution newspaper is published by RCP Publications. RCP Publications is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation. Not-for-profit corporations are structured so all money made or received as gifts goes back into the business and not to individual owners.
RCP Publications does not have IRS 501(c)(3) tax status and donations to RCP Publications are not tax-deductible.
All monies from sales of Revolution, as well as funds raised by Revolution go to the operating and expansion costs of the newspaper. Revolution has no paid advertising — it is 100% supported by subscriptions and other sales of the newspaper, and the generous contributions from readers in the forms of funds, in-kind goods and services, and lots of volunteer work.
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