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A Speech by Bob Avakian
This speech is in two parts. Watch here:
“...we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!” —Bob Avakian
To read or print the text of the speech, click HERE
To download videos of the speech and the Q&As, click HERE
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Bob Avakian Speaking to Those Just Coming Into the Revolution — Their Role, and Their Potential Contribution
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More clips from the speech and Q&A sessions:
The Five Stops—Why This System Can't Be Reformed
Bob Avakian On The Revolutionary Days Of the 60s, The Heavy Times To Come, The Absolute Need For Science... And the Role For YOU
Bob Avakian On The Problem and the Solution—Up Against the False Paths and Dead Ends
Bob Avakian On The Two Things We Need
Part 4 of “BA On What We Need To Do Now”
...and more
Also available: audio files of the Q&A sessions after the speech in
New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Stream and download HERE

Points of Attention for the Revolution The Revolution Club upholds, lives by and fights for the following principles:
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BA Through the Years
View Bob Avakian speaking in 1969, 1979, and 2003
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The Bob Avakian Institute: thebobavakianinstitute.org
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From Isabel Cardenas
Salvadoran-American activist
“This country and this world are in turmoil. What Bob Avakian says about having a revolution in [this film] ~ this may be the only answer. ... my god the people of this country and all over the planet need this!”

Letter from a Prisoner after watching this film
“Comrades, I just finished watching the new film by Bob Avakian, the architect of the new synthesis of communism... BA makes it clear that it does not have to be this way. There is a scientific approach that the masses (most oppressed) can take to emancipate themselves and all of humanity...”
Some thoughts on responses to seeing this film
At the film showing in Los Angeles... [One person] responded, ‘WOW! This is just on a whole other level. Avakian went to a whole other place. Wow.’
I thought the comment about “a whole other place” spoke to the heart of the film... BA is a person who not only does a scientific analysis of the cruel system we live under, but has an answer...
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