Raise Big Money! Share, Spread, Project and Promote
Updated November 3, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
IF YOU'RE ON SOCIAL MEDIA, what you can do:
Spread word of the November 15 Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian all over social media... and be part of raising the funds needed at indiegogo.com
Be part of this! If you are active online:
1. DONATE and RAISE FUNDS at igg.me/at/Nov15CornelAndBA—Contribute to something truly meaningful by donating, and be part of raising the funds urgently required so youth and those without funds can be at this Dialogue and to make it known far and wide.
2. FOLLOW and RETWEET from @RevBooksNYC—the center of where the Dialogue will be promoted on social media, and spread new updates and articles from revcom.us
3. JOIN the facebook event page and INVITE all your friends.
Photos: Special to revcom.us
4. SPREAD the hashtag #Nov15CornelAndBA on social media and beyond. Post about why you’re going to the Dialogue, why you’ve gotten your ticket, and why you've contributed funds. Post videos, articles, or quotes from Bob Avakian (BA) or Cornel that move you. Share news about the range of voices calling on people to come to this Dialogue—from the Host Committee to people on the street, and send your own video or statement to baeverywhere@gmail.com. When you get your ticket, take a picture and post it with the hashtag. There are lots of ideas here and we're sure people can come up with more.
Online/on-the-ground synergies
There is also a real synergy between building the Dialogue on-the-ground, building it online and raising funds. Creating this synergy—and involving lots of people in this—is an important way to generate and project a growing social movement of people supporting, building for and committing to attend the Dialogue.
Here are some concrete ideas:
1. When you’re getting out the word of the Dialogue and selling tickets, bring a whiteboard or posterboard with you. As you meet people who are excited about this Dialogue—and especially as you sell tickets, raise money, and solicit statements of support—have people write messages on the whiteboard about why they are committing to attend or why they are donating funds. Then, usetheir phones to take pictures of them standing next to the message they wrote and have them post these pictures with the hashtag, #Nov15CornelAndBA on their social media. If someone does this, give them a BA image buttonor a BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS button.
Have a digital camera with you so that—in instances when it is not possible to take pictures with people’s phones on the spot—you can still take a picture and email it to baeverywhere@gmail.com
In relation to all of these ideas: Send correspondences about what you learn as well as written statements from people you meet, photos and videos, to baeverywhere@gmail.com
2. Encourage people to pull out their phones and go to the indiegogo.com page right there on the spot.
* Watch the campaign video with them, and talk to them about what the funds will be used for as well as the overall need to raise BIG MONEY to promote and build this Dialogue. Ask them to make a donation on the spot, either on the indiegogo site or in cash and ask them to share the indiegogo campaign via social media. Or set up a meeting with them later.
3. Whoever you meet, connect them with the online and social media movement building for this Dialogue—and with the online presence of the movement for revolution overall.
*Sign people up on the spot for a free e-subscription to revcom.us (they can text revcom with their email address to 22828) and get people on the spot to follow the Revolution Books Twitter account @RevBooksNYC, tweet something to their friends and also to join the Revolution Books Facebook event page and to invite all their Facebook friends on the spot.
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