Yes, this society was NOT designed to give Justice
to Black and Latino people. But why is that so
—And what must be done about it?
May 4, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |

There would be no United States as we now know it today without slavery. That is a simple and basic truth.
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"Now, of course, slavery was not the only factor that played a significant part in the emergence of the U.S. as a world power, whose economic strength underlies its massive military force. A major historical factor in all this was the theft of land, on a massive scale, from Mexico as well as from native peoples. But, in turn, much of that conquest of land was, for a long period of time up until the Civil War, largely to expand the slave system. “Remember the Alamo,” we are always reminded. Well, many of the “heroes” of the Alamo were slave traders and slave chasers....And expanding the slave system was a major aim of the overall war with Mexico, although that war also led to the westward expansion of the developing capitalist system centered in the northern United States."
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Mexicans were also frequently the targets of lynch mobs, from the mid-19th
century until well into the 20th century. Above, seven Mexican shepherds were
hanged by white vigilantes near Corpus Christi, Texas to drive Mexican
landowners from the land, November 1873.

Revolution Club, San Francisco, December 2014.
Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis, is bullshit.
Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t unite with people in all sorts of struggles short of revolution. We definitely need to do that. But the proffering of any other solution to these monumental and monstrous problems and outrages is ridiculous, frankly. And we need to be taking the offensive and mobilizing increasing numbers of masses to cut through this shit and bring to the fore what really is the solution to this, and to answer the questions and, yes, the accusations that come forth in response to this, while deepening our scientific basis for being able to do this. And the point is: not only do we need to be doing this, but we need to be bringing forward, unleashing and leading, and enabling increasing numbers of the masses to do this. They need to be inspired, not just with a general idea of revolution, but with a deepening understanding, a scientific grounding, as to why and how revolution really is the answer to all of this.
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What we need is an actual revolution—and if you are serious about an actual revolution, you have to get seriously into BA.
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