You Don't Know What You Think You "Know" About...
The Communist Revolution and the
REAL Path to Emancipation:
Its History and Our Future
An Interview with Raymond Lotta
People need the truth about the communist revolution. The REAL truth. At a time when people are rising up in many places all over the world and seeking out ways forward, THIS alternative is ruled out of order. At a time when even more people are agonizing over and raising big questions about the future, THIS alternative is constantly slandered and maligned and lied about, while those who defend it are given no space to reply. We thought it urgent that we answer the questions and tell the TRUTH about the communist revolution—the real way out of the horrors that people endure today, and the even worse ones they face tomorrow. To do this, we arranged for Raymond Lotta to be interviewed by different groups of people in different parts of the country, and other people sent in questions. What follows is a synthesized, edited version that draws on those interviews and adds new material since the interviews were first conducted.
Part 1: Introduction and Paris Commune
Part 2: 1917—The Revolution Breaks Through in Russia
Part 3: China: One Quarter of Humanity Scaling New Heights of Emancipation
Part 4: Toward a New Stage of Communist Revolution
No Wonder They Slander Communism
by Bob Avakian
An excerpt from WHAT HUMANITY NEEDS: Revolution, and the New Synthesis of Communism, An Interview with Bob Avakian by A. Brooks

The REAL History of Communist Revolution
The short-lived Paris Commune of 1871, the Russian revolution of 1917-1956, and the Chinese revolution of 1949-1976 were titanic risings of the modern-day “slaves” of society against their “masters.” Against incredible odds and obstacles, and in what amounts to a nanosecond of human history, these revolutions accomplished amazing things—and they changed the course of human history. For the first time, the long dark night of humanity—the period when society has been divided into exploiter and exploited, oppressor and oppressed—was broken through. A whole new kind of society began to be forged.
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Note to readers on this special issue
From the Front Lines of the Abortion Rights Emergency:
Videos, updates, and photos from Mississippi and Alburquerque
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New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
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Hook up with the revolution
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