Sights from Ferguson
August 3, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |
![Street memorial to Michael Brown](../../i/398/ferguson-canfield-street-memorial-600.jpg)
Canfield Apartments: Mike Brown street memorial is reestablished by Canfield residents in the street where Mike’s body lay for 4½ hours after he was murdered by Ferguson cop Darren Wilson.
This man was confronted when youths caught him tearing down posters on W. Florissant Ave. “Why are you taking down our posters?” He stopped.
All photos: special to
Folks are getting ready for the August 8-10 anniversary of the murder of Mike Brown and the beginning of the Ferguson rebellion. These photos were taken on August 1 in Ferguson on W. Florissant Ave., where people stood up in August 2014 and faced brutal repression in order to say “No More!” to police murder, and on Canfield Drive where Mike Brown was murdered. Activists, artists, and victims of police terror, bring your creativity to W. Florissant Ave. and bring alive the truths and spirit of the historic events of one year ago that initiated a nationwide resistance to stop police murder.
Left: Posters on W. Florissant. Right: Mural at W. Florissant and Canfield Drive.
Inside a popular restaurant on W. Florissant Ave.
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