“This is What American…”
17-year-old Michigan Youth Murdered by Sheriff for Signaling Cop to Dim Brights
October 16, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
On February 28, 17-year-old Deven Guilford, a white youth on his way home from playing basketball at his church, flashed his lights at an oncoming Eaton County Michigan sheriff’s car because the bright lights on the squad car blinded him. Sheriff Jonathon Frost pulled Deven over and threatened to arrest him. Deven verbally objected to being retaliated against for trying to point out how dangerous the cop’s lights were and asked to see Frost’s badge number. Frost refused to show or provide his badge number and forced Deven—who declared he was unarmed—to get out of his car and lie facedown in a ditch along the highway.
![Deven Guilford](../../i/409/Deven_Guilford_facebook.jpg)
With Deven face down on the pavement, unarmed, Frost shot him with a stun gun, handcuffed him, and shot him seven times, killing him instantly. All captured on video! And yet, months later, the country prosecutor announced no charges would be brought against the murderer.
And Deven Guilford was the second motorist murdered by police in a span of 11 days in Eaton County. Deven’s family filed a civil suit this week.
Deven Guilford recorded all this on his own cell phone. Seconds before he was murdered, Deven said into the phone: “This is how American…”
Deven never got to finish the message. But the murdering pig demonstrated for the world what American police are all about by murdering him on the highway for trying to caution a sheriff that his bright lights were unsafe. Local news reports demonstrated how American ruling class media works by starting their coverage talking about “significant injuries" Frost supposedly incurred while murdering an unarmed youth lying face-down on the ground. Top sheriff’s officials put the murderer on paid leave. And the prosecutor demonstrated how the American IN-justice system works by refusing to bring any charges against Frost. This is America—land of unchecked police brutality and murder.
How long will this go on?
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