Prepare the Ground, Prepare the People, and Prepare the Vanguard—Get Ready for the Time When Millions Can Be Led to Go for Revolution, All-Out, With a Real Chance to Win.
One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way, and weighing people down, is American chauvinism—the disgusting notion that America and Americans are better and more important than everybody else.
Bob Avakian
The Great Tautological Fallacy
Bob Avakian
DOWNLOAD PDF to print and spread everywhere
(updated 1/10/2020):
With Revolution Club info - 8.5x14"
With space for local info - 8.5x14"
NEW: With Revolution Club info - 4 page, 11x17" folded as 8.5x11"
Reposted from
Trump and Pence #OUTNOW!
Trump has been impeached. He has ratcheted up the danger of war with Iran.
Now is a time for determined struggle by the people to go all the way to demand: Trump/Pence #OUTNOW!
Updated January 5, 2020
Reposted from
Impeachment... Acts of War Against Iran...
In this moment of conspicuous change, our actions, our daring, our determination, could change the whole game.
Music Icon Linda Ronstadt Compares Trump To Hitler: “Mexicans Are The New Jews”
From an interview with Anderson Cooper on New Year’s Eve
(If video does not appear, click here)
On the U.S. Assassination of Soleimani and the Heightened Danger of War:
Oppose U.S. Imperialist Aggression—Trump/Pence Out Now!
Updated January 4, 2020
Download PDF of this article for distribution as flier
The Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour
“You Think You’re Woke... But You’re Sleepwalking Through A Nightmare —This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!”
While the future hangs in the balance, reaching students and youth with revolution and a challenge to resist
From the Revolution Club, Los Angeles
Now is a time to reach students and youth who are confronting the existential crisis of looming nuclear war—as a serious danger—with a demented bully at the head of a fascist regime with his finger on the nuclear trigger.
Share your experience in going out to students and mobilizing for Trump/Pence #OUTNOW! Write
$33,000 goal for January 1 reached — and exceeded. Thanks to all who donated
Donate to and Sustain the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour
Reflections off Reading Bob Avakian’s Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis, In Three Parts
Additional Correspondence on Bob Avakian’s Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis:
What keeps people from seeing things as they really are? Simply put, lack of SCIENCE!
Now available as a pamphlet
Download the PDF in printer spreads here
New Issue of Demarcations
Announcing New Special Issue of Demarcations
This special issue features the prepublication version of Bob Avakian’s historic work, BREAKTHROUGHS: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism. A Basic Summary in multiple languages—English, Spanish, Farsi, Portuguese, German, and Turkish. The latter two are partial, and works in progress.
Demarcations, in announcing this special issue, states, “At a moment when it is no exaggeration to say that vast swaths of humanity and the planet are confronting a catastrophic future and even potentially existential risks due to the workings of this system of capitalism-imperialism, there is no greater need and contribution to a radically different world than to take up and spread Bob Avakian’s whole new framework for human emancipation, concentrated in this work, EVERYWHERE.”
This special issue features the prepublication version of Bob Avakian’s historic work, BREAKTHROUGHS: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism. A Basic Summary in multiple languages—English, Spanish, Farsi, Portuguese, German, and Turkish. The latter two are partial, and works in progress.
Demarcations, in announcing this special issue, states, “At a moment when it is no exaggeration to say that vast swaths of humanity and the planet are confronting a catastrophic future and even potentially existential risks due to the workings of this system of capitalism-imperialism, there is no greater need and contribution to a radically different world than to take up and spread Bob Avakian’s whole new framework for human emancipation, concentrated in this work, EVERYWHERE.”
Other News
January 24 Revolution Books NYC Hosts...
A benefit evening with revolutionary artist Dread Scott in conversation with Andy Zee about Dread’s recent art work.
Dread's Slave Rebellion Reenactment in Louisiana involved hundreds of participants in period costume retracing the path of the largest slave rebellion in U.S. history.
Read Posts from December 30, 2019 through January 5, 2020 »
To know and change the world...
get into Bob Avakian (BA),
the leader of the revolution.
BA has developed a new communism, a thoroughly scientific method and approach that charts a pathway to human emancipation.
This column features timely work from BA – a “living lab” of probing reality and grappling with advancing the revolution.
Read on to find BA's foundational work that gives a more overall understanding of why we need a revolution, what that revolution is all about, and how we can really make that revolution and build a whole new society.
Now Available:
Hope For Humanity
On A Scientific Basis
Breaking with Individualism,
Parasitism and
American Chauvinism
Bob Avakian
Author of
The New Communism
The following is taken from the talk
Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis
Breaking with Individualism, Parasitism and American Chauvinism
by Bob Avakian
Individualism, BEB and the Illusion of “Painless Progress”
With a Note Added by the Author, Fall 2019
DOWNLOAD PDF for printing 5.5x8.5" brochure
DOWNLOAD PDF for printing 8.5x11 pamphlet
Also available in Spanish
Fascists and Communists: Completely Opposed and Worlds Apart
by Bob Avakian
About Bob Avakian
Bob Avakian–A True Scientific Visionary

Excerpt from
On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Synthesis of Communism and the Leadership of Bob Avakian. An Interview with Ardea Skybreak
The Crucial Importance of the New Communism and BA's Leadership
A summation of some group study and discussion of the new communism and the leadership of Bob Avakian (BA)
This article was originally published in 2014. We believe that it is particularly timely now to either return to this or, for those who have not read it before, to read it for the first time.
Featured excerpt:
Why Is It So Important, and What Does It Mean, to Get Into BA?
See all excerpts HERE.
WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.
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