Bob Avakian on the
Emancipation of Women and the
Communist Revolution
A Declaration: For Women's Liberation and the Emancipation of All Humanity
BAsics, the handbook for the revolution
Unresolved Contradictions, Driving Forces for Revolution
by Bob Avakian
Do you know anyone else—any person or organization—that has managed to bring forth an actual PLAN for a radically different society, in all its dimensions, and a CONSTITUTION to codify all this? — A different world IS possible — Check out and order online the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal).
AUDIO: Question and Answer session with Bob Avakian—the difference between eroticism and pornography
Everywhere you turn, women are disrespected, degraded, and anti-woman attitudes are the norm. Already this year, more than 330 restrictions on abortion have been introduced across the country; 50 have become law. Without the right to abortion, women cannot decide for themselves what their lives will be. Women's dreams and humanity are crushed through being forced into motherhood against their will. Meanwhile, pornography has become increasingly more mainstream, and the culture “pornified,” even as pornography has become more violent, degrading and hateful towards women. This is NOT society becoming more “comfortable with sex,” it is society becoming saturated with the sexualized hatred of women. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender (LGBT) people who do not conform to the patriarchal gender and sexual “norms” are discriminated against in law and bullied in the culture. This must STOP! Women are not bitches, hos, punching bags, sex objects, or breeders, women are FULL HUMAN BEINGS. STOP the Patriarchal Degradation, Dehumanization, and Subjugation of All Women Everywhere, and All Oppression Based on Gender or Sexual Orientation!
Join with Stop Patriarchy this summer to take this message everywhere—deep into the communities of the oppressed, out to concerts and festivals, and right up in the face of the biggest women-haters. Through everything, we will get out tens of thousands of copies of the Stop Patriarchy Call to Action. Through street theater, defiant “social interventions” (taking banners and stickers boldly out to crowds wherever they gather), and “pop-up protests” at porn stores, fascist churches, and such, join in making it known far and wide: The days are over when we are just going to sit back and take all this patriarchal shit!
Roll with Stop Patriarchy this summer. Start a chapter where you are. There are a myriad of ways to fight, and you are NEEDED.
Updated August 7, 2015
Jackson, Mississippi:
People's Hearing for Abortion on Demand & Without Apology
Watch the People's Hearing
Jackson, August 3. (Photo: Special to
Six Reasons Stop Patriarchy Is Going to Mississippi for Abortion Rights
by Sunsara Taylor
Abortion rights are absolutely essential if women are to be free. The fight over abortion has NEVER been about “babies,” it has ALWAYS been about control over women. Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT incubators. Forcing women to have children against their will is a form of enslavement.
However, there is a vicious and escalating assault on abortion all across this country. In Indiana, a woman is sitting in prison for 20 years for allegedly inducing her own abortion. Six states have only one abortion clinic left. Over 330 laws restricting abortion have been introduced—and 50 laws have been passed nationwide already this year. Just over two years ago, Texas had more than 40 abortion clinics, now it has less than 20, and laws are now on the books that could close all but eight of them. Religious anti-abortion “Pregnancy Crisis Centers” outnumber abortion clinics in this country 3 to 1. In every part of the country women and staff who enter abortion clinics are shamed, harassed, and threatened. Read more
From the Streets of Jackson, Mississippi: Defending Abortion Rights, Taking Patriarchy By Storm
August 3, 2015. Read Revolution interview with Sunsara Taylor
Photo: Stop Patriarchy
» Much more on Jackson, Mississippi:
Taking Patriarchy by Storm
The Stories and Anger Poured Forth...National Actions to Stop the Assault on Abortion Rights, A Report from NYC by Sunsara Taylor
Read this and other reports from July 1
On July 1st a new anti-abortion law goes into effect in Kansas, which bans one of the safest and most common procedures for second trimester abortions. This is a very dangerous new line of attack which has already been picked up and copied in four other states; Oklahoma has also passed it into law. Also on July 1st, a new abortion restriction goes into effect in Tennessee that threatens to close half of the state's abortion clinics, leaving it with only four. Everyone across the country must stand up against the devastating impact these laws will have on women in Kansas and Tennessee.
Even more fundamentally, we must recognize that these are part of a nationwide war on abortion rights everywhere. These attacks must be denounced by people all across this country. At the same time, we will be poised to respond to an upcoming Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage (expected by June 26), should that ruling restrict this basic right. Wherever you are, hold a protest, speak-out and/or die-in to say: Abortion On Demand and Without Apology! Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement! WE SAY NO MORE! End ALL Forms of Theocratic Bigotry!
Click here for the call for July 1 protest
The Courts Temporarily Slowed the Assault on Abortion Rights—We Must Step Up Our Fight to DEFEAT the War On Women! by Sunsara Taylor Read more
From The Michael Slate Show: A Summer of Taking Patriarchy by Storm
On June 12, Michael Slate interviewed Alex Petersburg and Riley Ruiz, two members of End Pornography and Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women, about Stop Patriarchy’s summer campaign. Read more
FLASH: As Judge Temporarily Blocks Kansas Anti-Abortion Law, Defiant Protests—and Clarity on the Truth about Abortion—are Needed More Than Ever! Read more
For three days—Friday, July 10 through Sunday, July 12—join Stop Patriarchy in taking the movement for the full liberation of women into communities of the oppressed across the country. For three concentrated days, take the stickers and signs that "Women are NOT bitches, hos, punching bags, sex objects, or breeders. Women are FULL HUMAN BEINGS!" into these communities, set up the War on Women Display, and conduct dramatic street theater about the importance of abortion rights which are now under unprecedented attack.
Draw forward the suppressed anger—and mobilize the participation, both on the spot and in an ongoing way—of people who are all too often completely ignored and cast aside. Put the truth boldly to people everywhere: the full liberation of women is something that everyone who hates oppression of any kind needs to fight for.
Take pictures and record video testimony of people who step forward. Write up and share what you learn, experiences to popularize, and challenges you might confront with us at:
Black Women’s Lives Matter! All Women’s Lives Matter! Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!
Dori would teach us not to mistreat others—no matter what their skin color. But she also taught us not to take shit from anyone—no matter who. She said we had to stand up, speak up, and demand to be treated equally. This was a life-long lesson. A principle I learned to live by. Including a little later when the cops began to fuck with us because we were Black kids and we would speak up for ourselves.
At 27, Dori already had five children between ages of nine and four. Along the way she also had at least two miscarriages. She was a small person. She had a small bone structure. Her fifth pregnancy and last delivery of her youngest child had been very hard on her body. It came close to killing her. The doctors warned that she might not make it through another pregnancy
A Talk by Sunsara Taylor
An all-out assault on women's right to abortion is leaving 600-mile stretches between abortion clinics, and banning abortions at earlier and earlier points in the pregnancy. Why does it matter whether or not women have the right to abortion? Sunsara Taylor brings a true picture of what it means to be living through a war on women, where all this comes from, and why the domination of women by men is not human nature. She brings alive how a real revolution can liberate women and what must be done today to build the fight for real and lasting emancipation.
Read more, including schedule of video showings
Contributed by a Reader
Reflections on the talk "Stop the Assault on Abortion Rights! Break ALL the Chains that Enslave Women!" by Sunsara Taylor
From a reader
A Colorful and Liberating Weekend! Between the Sunset and the Stars, Enabling Ourselves to Break ALL the Chains!
Night Screening of Sunsara Taylor’s Speech
From a young revolutionary
Start spreading the word in Stop Patriarchy's first coordinated action to Take Patriarchy by Storm. Everyone can take part. It’s simple. Download the fact sheet Abortion Rights are in a State of Emergency and Headed for Disaster, download a Women are Full Human Beings sign or make your own. Go out with a friend in the public square (or even just among friends), take pics and spread them everywhere: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Call on others to take a stand, start a conversation: Women are NOT breeders. Women are FULL HUMAN BEINGS who must have the right to decide for themselves when or whether to have a child & call on others to fight back for ABORTION ON DEMAND & WITHOUT APOLOGY! Get ready to protest on July 1st.
Watch for reports on these activities.
Weekend of June 27-28: Go out to Pride activities all weekend long, including the Dyke Marches. Bring out the message of Stop Patriarchy, stickers and palm-cards to build for the July 1st protest against all Christian fascist, theocratic intrusion on women's right to abortion and LGBT rights.
Students have always played a major role in every successful movement for radical social change and this is urgently needed now in the fight for the full liberation of women. However, these days the campuses are filled with a paralyzing relativism and unending rationalizations for why porn and the sex “industry” are “empowering” for women. At the same time, people are increasingly defensive and apologetic about abortion. It’s time to cut through the bullshit! The sex industry is about oppression, not about “empowerment.” And forcing women to have children against their will is a form of enslavement, straight up! It’s time to stand up and say NO MORE. Women are not bitches, hos, punching bags, sex objects, or breeders. Women are FULL HUMAN BEINGS! This September, on college campuses and high schools across the country, join in a National Student Day of Action to END THE ENSLAVEMENT AND DEGRADATION OF WOMEN IN EVERY FORM!
Sunsara Taylor on "Safe Space" vs Fighting to END ALL OPPRESSION
June 25, 2015
Updated August 4, 2015
Women are not bitches, ho's, punching bags, sex objects, or breeders, women ARE FULL HUMAN BEINGS.
STOP the Patriarchal Degradation, Dehumanization, and Subjugation of All Women Everywhere, and All Oppression Based on Gender or Sexual Orientation!
Click here for reports and schedule, and check back often
One of the most meaningful ways you can contribute to ending the enslavement and degradation of women is to donate today to fund this essential work. Tens of thousands of dollars are required to print thousands of stickers, t-shirts, palm-cards, banners, and other materials, to support activists from around the country converging in Jackson, Mississippi for over a week, to maintain the website and email lists, to rent meeting spaces and more. By giving generously today, and/or becoming a regular monthly sustainer of Stop Patriarchy, you not only make this essential work possible, you join a vibrant and liberating community of others who are determined to bring about a better world for women and LGBT people everywhere.
Become a monthly sustainer of Stop Patriarchy for $100, $50, $15, $10 today or whatever level you chose.
Make a one time donation of $500, $250, $75 or whatever amount you can today.