![Distribution Revolution Newspaper](img/distribute-title.png)
Preparing Minds, and Organizing Forces, for REVOLUTION
We have a strategy for revolution, and this newspaper is a key component of this strategy.
Revolution newspaper, the voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, provides the foundation, guideline, and organizational scaffolding for the whole process of carrying out our strategy for revolution. Through publishing works of Bob Avakian, and through many different articles, interviews, letters, graphics, and other features, Revolution enables people to really understand, and act to radically change, the world. This is the paper that exposes why things are the way they are...that reveals why it doesn’t have to be this way... that shows how we can act to bring about a real revolution. It is, and has to increasingly become, the scaffolding on which the movement for revolution is built, the means for people to get organizationally linked up to this movement. It is a vehicle through which new people can get a clear sense of the principles, aims, and methods of this revolution, and those who are already involved can wrangle with how to further build this movement for revolution. This newspaper is a guideline where today thousands, but soon tens of thousands and eventually millions, can stay connected and learn to act in a powerful and united way. It sets forth the larger goals of revolution and communism and the ways in which the struggles of today are connected to those larger goals. It enables people to grasp the scientific communist outlook and method, and to better understand the material basis that exists for getting to a radically different and better world.
![Distributing Revolution](img/readsharespread-image-1.jpg)
![Distributing Revolution](img/readsharespread-image-2.jpg)
![Distributing Revolution](img/readsharespread-image-3.jpg)
Share and Spread
Revolution Newspaper
- Get bundles of the print edition to distribute at different places and events: schools, neighborhoods, protests, cultural happenings, etc. If you're new at this, it's best to do this with others who have more experience. Contact RCP Publications or nearest Revolution Books store to get extra papers.
- Spread articles from revcom.us via Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. using the "Share" link.
- As part of spreading Revolution newspaper, ask people to be regular monthly sustainers, or make a one-time donation to the paper.
- Tape up back page BA quotes, centerfolds, and other "postable" pages and articles from the paper in a hallway, bulletin board, or wherever many people will notice them. If you have a business like a barbershop or restaurant, or know of ones with friendly owners, put the posters up at those places. This helps get the word out, and lets people see that there are other people who support the revolution. See Post This! for printable posters.
- Encourage people to get subscriptions to Revolution—to the print edition, or the free online sub.
- Send brief snapshots of your experience in spreading Revolution newspaper—printed edition or online—and send to revolution.reports@yahoo.com, so others can learn from those experiences and know about the spreading networks of the paper.