What Is the Revolution Club?
Who Should Check Out the Revolution Club,
Run with It and Join?
What Does It Mean To Join? And How Do I Get Started?

“Everyone who can’t stand this world the way it is ... who is sick and tired of so many people being treated as less than human ...  everyone who has the heart to fight for something that is really worth fighting for: You need to be part of this revolution”... and get with the Revolution Club!


We are followers
of Bob Avakian (BA).
And you need to become
followers of BA too.
Who is Bob Avakian?

What does it mean to join the Revolution Club?

We live by, spread and fight for the Six Points of Attention. Read them and compare them to how we live and are forced to live today. These Points of Attention are the principles and morality of the future society that we are fighting for and that we live by today. Members of the Revolution Clubs agree to these principles.

The Revolution Club bases itself on two principles:

1Humanity Needs Revolution And The New Communism Brought Forward By Bob Avakian (BA)

We spread the word of the revolution and the leadership we have in BA as we are learning about it.

2Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution

The Revolution Club steps to the people straight up with revolution, and then, coming from that place, we unite with people in fighting injustice and oppression, and struggle hard to win more and more people to see the need and the possibility for revolution and become part of the movement for revolution.

All this enables the movement for revolution to grow to the point where we can impact society on a big scale, gather more forces, and prepare for the time when we can actually make a revolution.

How Do I Join?

1Wherever you are, sign up. Email: getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com, DM us on social media @TheRevcoms, Sign up here.


2Join National Revolution Club Zoom Calls. Sign up or email for info, Email: getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com, DM us on social media @TheRevcoms, Sign up here.


3Contact the Revolution Club in the Bay Area, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City

Bob Avakian On What We Need To Do Now

How Do I Spread the Word?

1Subscribe to and spread
The RNL – Revolution Nothing Less – Show
at youtube.com/therevcoms

If you can, watch it with others.

2Print out these materials, post them up in your neighborhood, housing project or campus. Talk to people you know or strangers on the street — give them a flyer, let them know you're organizing for revolution and that they need to be part of this too.

3Post up these SEEDS, short quotes from Bob Avakian's New Year's Statement and the Declaration from the revcoms.

(new posters
April 12, 2021)

4Spread the 5.2.6

5 STOPS—five horrific forms of oppression that this system can't reform away.

2 CHOICES—either live with all this and the oppression will go on and on ... or, as BA says: MAKE REVOLUTION.

6 POINTS OF ATTENTION which The Revolution Club upholds, lives by, and fights for. ... Spread them. Take them up.

Read more

5Follow and spread @therevcoms on social media.


How Do I Organize Others?

1Organizing people into this revolution means reaching out to all sorts of people—not just where there are protests and rebellions against oppression and injustice, but everywhere throughout society—spreading the word about revolution and getting people together (in real life and online) to grapple with why an actual revolution is necessary, what such a revolution involves, and what kind of society this is aiming for. This will enable people who are new to the revolution to themselves become organizers for this revolution and to recruit more and more people to do the same. On this basis, and through the growing ranks of the revolution acting together as an increasingly powerful force, it will be possible to attract and organize the necessary numbers, and build up the necessary strength, to be in the position to do what needs to be done.

2Join the National Revolution Club zoom calls to talk with others about challenges we are encountering, and the questions and ideas that we have. Email us at getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com or DM us on social media for the link.

3Write us to have a representative of the Revolution Clubs to join you via zoom to lead a discussion or answer questions, at getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com

How Do I Learn More About The Revolution?


Get into this book

BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian

A handbook for revolution.

Free e-book available here, or order the book.

“You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.”




Keep reading!


Learn about Bob Avakian’s whole history and his work against the oppression of Black people and making the revolution needed to end that oppression in:


Read more


Learn why revolution is necessary and how it is possible. Watch:

Why We Need an Actual Revolution and How We Can Really Make Revolution



Wear this tee-shirt:


Contact The Revolution Club or Order from Revolution Books. If you wear this shirt, it means that you commit yourself to always striving to live by and put into practice the Six Points Of Attention.


Wear and spread these stickers:

  • TWO CHOICES stickers
  • The system has no future for the youth, the revolution does.

What is the Revolution Club doing and learning?

How are we working actively, vigorously, tirelessly to hasten the development of things to the time when we can make revolution? Read reports, snapshots and reflections from members of the Revolution Club regularly at revcom.us. Send in your reports and experiences, on the revcom forum or email getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com.


Points of Attention for the Revolution

The Revolution Club upholds, lives by and fights for the following principles:

1 We base ourselves on and strive to represent the highest interests of humanity: revolution and communism. We do not tolerate using the revolution for personal gain.

2 We fight for a world where ALL the chains are broken. Women, men, and differently gendered people are equals and comrades. We do not tolerate physically or verbally abusing women or treating them as sexual objects, nor do we tolerate insults or “jokes” about people’s gender or sexual orientation.

3 We fight for a world without borders, and for equality among different peoples, cultures and languages. We do not tolerate insults, “jokes” or derogatory names about a person’s race, nationality, or language.

4 We stand with the most oppressed and never lose sight of their potential to emancipate humanity—nor of our responsibility to lead them to do that. We work to win people of all backgrounds to take part in the revolution, and do not tolerate revenge among the people.

5 We search for and fight for the truth no matter how unpopular, even as we listen to and learn from the observations, insights and criticisms of others.

6 We are going for an actual overthrow of this system and a whole better way beyond the destructive, vicious conflicts of today between the people. Because we are serious, at this stage we do not initiate violence and we oppose all violence against the people and among the people.

Contact the Revolution Club:

Bay Area:
(510) 854-6044

(312) 804-9121
1857 E. 71st Street
Chicago, Illinois 60649

Los Angeles:
(323) 671-9839
2716 S. Vermont Ave Unit 8
Los Angeles, CA

New York City:


Bob Avakian (BA) is the most important political thinker and leader in the world today.

Read more