The New Situation: The Murder of Michael Brown, the Resistance of the People, and the Month of Resistance
The defiant outpouring of resistance to the police murder of Michael Brown changed the face of society. What new challenges does this pose? And how does the upcoming October Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation! relate to that?
Carl Dix from the Frontlines of Ferguson
Carl Dix, back from Ferguson, speaks on the lessons from Ferguson, and critical stakes of the battle to stop police murder and mass incarceration.
If you are unable to see the video, click here.
Which Side Are You On?
Over the past month, people have risen up—most notably in Ferguson, Missouri—against police murder, but elsewhere as well, against other outrages and abuses. The lines should be very clear: those who stand with justice and the oppressed against those who stand with the oppressors and their enforcers.
But What About the Violence??
During the very righteous protest and rebellion in Ferguson, Missouri, the media mouthpieces and political parrots of the rulers attack the alleged "violence" of people rising up…
Judge Rules Against Further Abortion Clinic Closures in Texas
A statement from and the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
Interview with Sunsara Taylor 8/24/14:
A Watershed Moment in the Battle for Abortion Rights and for the Liberation of Women
Before the recent court ruling that prevented the closing of additional abortion clinics in Texas, spoke with Sunsara Taylor on the situation, the stakes, and the urgency of people to act now.
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride—GROUND ZERO TEXAS
News, pictures and video from “ground zero” in the battle to defend abortion rights.
BA Everywhere
A Comment on Events in Syria and Iraq
STOP U.S.-Israeli Genocide in Gaza
In Chicago and NYC protesters raise “From Ferguson to Palestine, Occupation Is a Crime!”
Global Barbarians Condemn ISIS' Barbarism
NO U.S. Military Escalation in Iraq!
Barbaric? Savage? Butchers? Yes, ISIS is all that. But the U.S. rulers take a back seat to no one when it comes to butchery, barbarism, and savagery.
"Where We Are in the Revolution"
A transcript of an important talk from the Revolutionary Communist Party given in several major cities across the U.S. in May 2014.

Also in this issue
Interview with a Former Prisoner, Part 1
Breaking with the Gang Life
Getting with the REAL Revolution
From Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party:
The Material Basis and the Method for Making Revolution
The Strategic Approach to Revolution and Its Relation to Basic Questions of Epistemology and Method
These observations by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, are of continuing importance:
» The Mass Initiatives and Their Relation to Our Strategic Objectives
» Freedom and Necessity, and Proceeding from a Strategic Standpoint: Some Thoughts on Methods and Leadership
» Putting on Our Boxing Gloves—and Other Key Methods, Principles and Objectives
Courageous Eyewitness to the Police Murder of Michael Brown
The Lies, the Slandering, the Criminalization of Dorian Johnson
For Roshad McIntosh and Against All Police Abuses
Chicago: Hundreds March for Justice
Houston correspondence: Revolution… In the Street… In Jail…
From a Reader:
Hey Al Sharpton...
Why IS the U.S. Waging War in the Middle East... Again?
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the U.S. was taking action because ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is "an imminent threat to every interest we have, whether it's in Iraq or anywhere else." What are those "interests" that Hagel is talking about?
From A World To Win News Service
Gaza and All of Palestine Still Need Liberation
Check It Out: On the Brink: Israel and Palestine on the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion
Alice Rothchild’s new book is a piercingly subversive critique of the legitimacy of a state based on ethnic cleansing.

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger-generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.
Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
September 4, 2014
Standing Up at the Basketball Court
September 4, 2014
Where Will You Be on November 15, 2014?
September 3, 2014
On September 1, at events in major cities, this announcement was made, followed by a talk. The texts of both follow...
William Bratton—Counter-Insurgency Architect for Imperialist Policing
September 2, 2014
Posted at Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic:
» Editors Note
» Communism or Nationalism?
The Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico (OCR, Mexico)
August 7, 2014
Read it at
Just Posted at Demarcations:
From Unresolved Contradictions, Driving Forces for Revolution by Bob Avakian:
"The New Synthesis and the Woman Question: The Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution—Further Leaps and Radical Ruptures"
September 2, 2014
Read it at
Right now, blow the whistle when you see the police abusing people.
Watch and spread this video everywhere.
Join the Revolution STOP Mass Incarceration Project
July 28, 2014
Now available as eBook
Publisher: Insight Press
Purchase at these vendors:
Amazon, Apple iTunes, Barnes & Noble,, IPG, Kobo
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated August 8, 2014
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