- Taking Out "The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have"
- Making Bob Avakian a household word
- Promoting BAsics
- Correspondence on the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal)
- Correspondence on "The Toughest Questions You Face"
- Elections
- Distribution of "The Oppression of Black People, the Crimes of this System, and the Revolution We Need"
- Taking out Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy
- Raising funds for the Revolution Initiative
- Miscellaneous
Taking Out "The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have"
In issue 170 of Revolution, we published a message and call from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA: THE REVOLUTION WE NEED...THE LEADERSHIP WE HAVE.
Since then, revolutionaries have hit the streets across the country, taking this statement into the neighborhoods and out to high schools, to concerts and gathering spots. Getting thousands of copies of this statement into people's hands. Many people, all over the country, have taken multiple copies to distribute in different parts of town (and made down payments on those copies) or to sell in their stores. The DVD Revolution: Why It's Possible, Why It's Necessary and What It's All About is getting into people's hands – and a movement of showings is beginning. Read more…
- (10/18/10) This Week
- (10/10/10) Getting Out the Message and Call on Campuses
- (09/27/10) Going to Mexican Independence Day Parade with the Message and Call
- (09/27/10) African American Day Parade
- (09/19/10) This week:
Two Big Social Faultlines: Police Brutality and Israel - (09/19/10) Popularizing Bob Avakian at Burning Man and Power to the Peaceful
- (09/19/10) Taking Out the Message and Call to a Major City College
- (09/19/10) Taking the Campaign to the Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- (09/19/10) A Kaleidoscope of Revolutionary Ideas
- (09/05/10) Art Murmur
- (09/05/10) This Week
- (09/05/10) A Report from a Campus on Getting Out the Message and Call
- (09/05/10) The Revolution Summer @ the Hip Hop Festival & World Cup Party
- (09/02/10) "We Tried a New Thing"
- (09/02/10) "This revolution, where?"
- (08/26/10) Taking the Campaign out for the 5-day saturation
- (08/26/10) Taking the Campaign to the Farmworkers
- (08/26/10) Second Successful Webathon: Putting Revolution Farther on the Map, Hour by Hour
- (08/23/10) This Week: Bring "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have" into the schools and onto the campuses
- (08/15/10) This Week
- (07/19/10) The Campaign: Mid-Summer Report
- (07/19/10) These Next Few Weeks:
Special Efforts with this Issue of the Paper... Followed by Five Days of Saturation with the Message and Call... And Another Web-A-Thon! - (07/12/10) Revolutionary Anti-July 4th picnic, San Francisco Bay Area
- (07/12/10) SNAPSHOTS: Revolution in the Mix at U.S. Social Forum
- (07/12/10) Phoenix AZ, Tuesday, June 29: Bringing Arizona Freedom Summer to the Warped Tour
- (07/08/10) Arizona Freedom Summer Statement to Anti-July 4th Picnics
- (06/28/10) Web-a-thon Raises Funds to “Put Revolution on the Map”
- (06/28/10) This Week:
Revolutionary Anti-July 4th Picnics - (06/19/10) Phone Banking Script "Put Revolution on the Map" Fundraising Web-a-thon
- (06/15/10) 200,000 in 10 - Saturation
- (06/03/10) Fund-raising for the Campaign—A Revolutionary Challenge with Societal Impact
- (05/06/10) Initial Reports on May First 2010 (more to come)
- (04/22/10) A Communist, a Scientist, and a Priest Sat Down to Discuss...Morality to Change the World
- (03/11/10) "From the Burkha to the Thong:
Everything Must, and Can, Change—WE NEED TOTAL REVOLUTION!"
Sunsara Taylor National Campus Speaking Tour
Organizers' Kit - (02/28/10) International Women's Day 2010 – A Time to ACT!
- (02/15/10) Jumpstarting Discussion on "From the Burkha to the Thong": A Lesson in Experimental Street Theater
- (01/03/10) Letter from Cleveland
"He's talking about revolution and that is what we want" - (12/13/09) Reader Correspondence:
Saturating Inner-City Schools with "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have" - (12/13/09) Reader Correspondence:
Door to door flyering and fundraising in the projects - (11/22/09) Reader Correspondence:
The Sham of This Educational System…And the Need for Revolution - (11/1/09) Taking Revolution to the High Schools
- (10/1/09) Making Revolution and Communism – and the Raymond Lotta Speaking Tour – a Really Big Deal on Campus
- (9/21/09) Revolutionary Exercise at Curves
- (9/21/09) Taking Revolution to High School
- (9/21/09) Response of Some High School Students on Watching Raymond Lotta Youtube
- (9/15/09) Distributing the Special High School/Middle School Issue #176
- (9/14/09) Bringing Revolution to the Campus
- (9/10/09) Taking Revolution to the Campuses
- (8/30/09) Correspondence from a Revolution Club youth from the San Francisco Bay Area
- (8/30/09) "Teaching" the Special Youth Issue of Revolution Newspaper
- (8/17/09) A brief comment on the summation in the "A Reporter's Notebook 'All That Has Been Hidden'" as well as some threads from other "snapshots" and summations run in the newspaper
- (8/17/09) From a staff member of Revolution Books, Cleveland
- (8/17/09) Taking "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have" to Chicago's Bud Billiken Day Parade
- (8/17/09) Bringing "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have" to Leimert Park in L.A.
- (8/17/09) Some thoughts from people in New York doing phone banking on the message and call from the RCP "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have"
- (8/17/09) A plea to my generation...
- (8/17/09) "The Revolutionaries Are Here!"
Taking out "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have" to a high school and in a proletarian neighborhood - (8/17/09) Revolution at Rock the Bells
- (8/17/09) Bringing Forward a Communist Core in the Spanish-Speaking Community
- (8/7/09) Snapshot #4
- (8/7/09) Report from a major metropolitan area
- (8/7/09) Spreading the Word in Watts
- (8/7/09) Warped Tour in Chicago: Entering the Fray and Taking on All Comers
- (8/3/09) A Reporter's Notebook: "All That Has Been Hidden"
- (8/3/09) A Thought on the Campaign
- (7/27/09) Listening Party at Libros Revolución
- (7/27/09) From Chicago: Brave New Voices
- (7/27/09) Snapshot #1
- (7/27/09) Snapshot #2
- (7/27/09) Snapshot #3
- (7/20/09) Observations on Taking Out "The Revolution We Need and The Leadership We Have."
Making Bob Avakian a household name
- (07/25/10) Bob Avakian on "Why do people come here from all over the world?": 5,000 total views on Thursday, July 29!
- (07/19/10) Revolution Talk Screening in Park
- (07/12/10) Aiming to Go Viral with the Revolution Talk
- (06/28/10) Report from the Conferences:
Making Bob Avakian a Household Name - (06/28/10) Bob Avakian on "What to the Slave Is Your Fourth of July?": 1,000 total views on Friday, July 2!
- (03/22/10) Bringing Revolution Talk Into Some High Schools: Windows to the World and Opening up Pathways To Imagine How the World Can be Different
- (02/28/10) On Thinking Outside the Boundaries of the Now: Bringing Bob Avakian into the Conversation
- (02/15/10) Correspondence:
"...I can't overstate the potential power the Revolution DVD is capable of unleashing" - (01/24/10) Letter from a reader:
The Revolution Talk: "A Precious, Rare, and Enormous Tool" - (9/21/09) Celebrating the Publication in Spanish of Away With All Gods!
- (9/21/09) Meeting Bob Avakian Through the Revolution DVD
- (9/21/09) Imagining a Better World
- (8/7/09) Finding Bob Avakian
- (8/7/09) Correspondence to the Revolution newspaper
Promoting BAsics
- (08/15/10) You Can't Change the World if You Don't Know the BAsics
- (07/19/10) BAsics Open Mic Night in NYC
- (07/12/10) BAsics
- (1/11/2009) On the Eve of Obama's Inauguration: Hitting the ground with Revolution in Washington, DC
- (11-25-2008) Fight for Obama?
- (11/06/2008) Comments from Readers on Revolution Coverage of Elections
- (11/03/2008) Chicago Youth Struggling about Obama
- (11/02/2008) In Light of Reports of White Supremacist Massacre Plots... More on The Elections, and Being Ready for Anything
- (10/31/2008) The Anti-Science Rantings of Sarah Palin
- (10/28/2008) Letter from a reader: The Elections, and Being Ready for Anything
Distribution of "The Oppression of Black People, the Crimes of this System, and the Revolution We Need"
- (10/29/2008) Hospital Feedback on the Special Issue on the Oppression of Black People
- (10/25/2008) From a Reader: Work on Campus and in the High Schools
- (10/23/2008) Correspondence from Carl Dix on Special Issue #144
- (10/22/2008) Visit to Precita Eyes
Taking out Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy
- (10/22/2008) Teaching Outside the Box—Taking Avakian's Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy to Teachers
- (03/21/11) Two different views on: Accumulating Forces for Revolution
- (02/24/11) Responding To—and Getting Out—the RCP's Statement "ON THE STRATEGY FOR REVOLUTION"
- (02/24/11) Correspondence from the Wave of Protests in Madison
- (02/11/11) Getting Out Bob Avakian's Statement on Egypt
- (02/15/10) After the Earthquake
Taking Revolution to the NY Haitian Community - (01/24/10) Letter from a Reader:
The Earthquake in Haiti—an Event in Los Angeles - (01/15/10) Emergency Action Alert!
Send Emails to the State's Attorney in Rockford, Illinois:
Demand that the Criminal Contempt Charges against Eyewitnesses Shelia and Marissa Brown be Dropped and that their Testimony be Heard! - (01/10/10) Campus Book Sales for Libros Revolucion
- (11/16/09) From a reader: Hearing about the Richmond Rape and Making the Connections
- (8/3/09) Cheers for "Abortion on Demand" Speakers at Bughouse Square!
- (3-30-2009) "Taking Up Darwin Day in Hawai'i"
- (3-7-2009) Breaking Out of "Me and Mine"
- (3-7-2009) Taking Revolution to the Rio Grande Valley
- (2-1-2009) Staging an Intervention with Victims of Obama-Mania in D.C.
- (12-06-2008) More Experiences With the Reader's Suggestion on the Movie Milk
- (11-30-2008) Patchogue, NY: Hundreds Protest Murder of Marcello Lucero
- (11-28-2008) Milk - a Reader's suggestion
- (11-24-2008) Embracing The All-The-Way Revolution
- (11-24-2008) No More Lives Must Be Squandered!
- (11-23-2008) Protest Against Murder of Immigrant on Long Island: Be on Notice, We Are Taking Up the Fight!
- (11-23-2008) "...The Situation We're In..."
- (11/04/2008) San Francisco Bay Area: Hundreds of Students Walk Out to Protest ICE Raids
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