We Say: NO MORE!
October 2014
Cornel West and Carl Dix have called for a Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. The call has been taken up by hundreds of activists, prominent figures in society, organizations, and people from all walks of life. They have called for a month of resistance that includes “powerful demonstrations nationwide on October 22, the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.” They have declared: October 2014 must be a month that makes clear that thousands and thousands are willing to stand up and speak out today and to awaken and rally forth millions. Get involved!
The New Situation: The Murder of Michael Brown, the Resistance of the People, and the Month of Resistance
The defiant outpouring of resistance to the police murder of Michael Brown changed the face of society. What new challenges does this pose? And how does the upcoming October Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation! relate to that?
Carl Dix on the Month of Resistance
"The genocidal program is real... it's illegitimate... it's immoral... it must be stopped"
On the Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian:
Anyone With an Interest in Human Emancipation Should Be There
» Build This Dialogue Among "Those Who Catch the Hardest Hell Every Day"
» Be a Part of Making History—This Dialogue Is About the Future
» Voices of the People— Responding to the Announcement of Revolution and Religion: A Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian
More about Bob Avakian—BA
Day —And Still the Cop Who Murdered Michael Brown Walks Free
Special Coverage of the Struggle for Justice for Michael Brown in Ferguson
We Must Step Up the Fight
New Round in Battle over Texas Abortion Clinics, September 12

People’s Climate March:
A Call to All Those Who Want to “Change Everything”
Capitalism Is Destroying the Planet... We Need Revolution, Nothing Less
New Report from Climate Scientists and the Fight to Save the Planet
Join and Build the "Revolution Nothing Less" Contingent for the September 21 People's Climate March
Also in this issue
An Ensemble of Initiatives, Not a Jumble of Activities
If there is a situation where BA Everywhere—the campaign to raise big money to spread the word on the vision and leadership of Bob Avakian, the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA—is reaching out to millions with the word that there is a conception of and leadership for a whole new world... if tens of thousands are being inspired and organized to actively stand up against and resist the glaring outrages of the mass incarceration of Black and Latino peoples and thousands more are taking action against the enslavement and degradation of women and different terms are being set around these outrages... if revcom.us/Revolution is reaching hundreds of thousands, then millions... if the Revolutionary Communist Party is becoming known and seen as the leading force at the forefront of the struggle for a whole new world... and all these are mixing and meshing in people's minds—then this would greatly increase the potential to change how literally millions see this world and what is desirable and possible. Each of these initiatives is important in their own right. But they are even more important and can have greater impact in the ways in which they work together, interact, synergize.
(For more on the ensemble of revolutionary work, see “The Mass Initiatives and Their Relation to Our Strategic Objectives” by Bob Avakian at revcom.us)
Interview with a Former Prisoner, Part 2
Science, Revolutionary Theory, and Getting into Bob Avakian
Pack the New York Courtroom on September 15
Cecily McMillan Faces New Trial for Witnessing Police Abuse
Chicago: Standing Up at the Basketball Court
William Bratton—Counter-Insurgency Architect for Imperialist Policing
From Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party:
The Material Basis and the Method for Making Revolution
The Strategic Approach to Revolution and Its Relation to Basic Questions of Epistemology and Method
A Response to Katie Klabusich's Attack on Stop Patriarchy in Bitch Magazine:
No One Has to Ask Permission to Fight for Women's Equality
From Carol Downer, Co-Founder of the Feminist Women's Health Center
No More Pimping Off the Holocaust to Justify U.S. & Israel’s GENOCIDE Against the Palestinian People!
Video of speech by Alan Goodman at the August 14, NYC teach-in: “Stop Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes Against the People of Gaza.”
These observations by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, are of continuing importance:
» The Mass Initiatives and Their Relation to Our Strategic Objectives
» Freedom and Necessity, and Proceeding from a Strategic Standpoint: Some Thoughts on Methods and Leadership
» Putting on Our Boxing Gloves—and Other Key Methods, Principles and Objectives

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger-generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.
Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
Special Page on:
Revolution and Religion
The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion
A Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian
November 15, 2014, Riverside Church, NYC
September 13, 2014
Watching the Film Disruption and Engaging People Going to the Climate March
Get on the Buses Going to People's Climate March September 21
September 10, 2014
Furthering the Movement to Stop Mass Incarceration
Panel discussion at the National Lawyers Guild Law for the People 2014 Convention, Chicago, September 6
September 10, 2014
Taking BA Everywhere and the Whole Ensemble of Revolutionary Work to Martha's Vineyard
Reporter's Notebook from Ferguson:
» Talking to the People About Revolution
» "There has been continuous harassment of the youth"
Get the Print Edition of Revolution 350/351 Out Far and Wide!
Get the print edition of Revolution #350/351 out far and wide. Hand it out on the street, leave it in laundromats, waiting rooms, barber shops and beauty parlors... send it to friends, old and new... post it on big boards in key places in the community... but GET IT OUT!
This issue contains a beautiful poster-size announcement of the dialogue... a very powerful article on watching the movie Fruitvale Station with Bob Avakian... and coverage of critical and controversial events all over the world as well.
So again—get this out, and let IT do its work!
Notice to Our Readers:
Beginning on September 15, the print edition of Revolution newspaper will be appearing bi-weekly (every other week).
"Where We Are in the Revolution"
A transcript of an important talk from the Revolutionary Communist Party given in several major cities across the U.S. in May 2014.
Posted at Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic:
» Editors Note
» Communism or Nationalism?
The Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico (OCR, Mexico)
August 7, 2014
Read it at demarcations-journal.org
Just Posted at Demarcations:
From Unresolved Contradictions, Driving Forces for Revolution by Bob Avakian:
"The New Synthesis and the Woman Question: The Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution—Further Leaps and Radical Ruptures"
September 2, 2014
Read it at demarcations-journal.org
Right now, blow the whistle when you see the police abusing people.
Watch and spread this video everywhere.
Now available as eBook
Publisher: Insight Press
Purchase at these vendors:
Amazon, Apple iTunes, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.com, IPG, Kobo
BA Everywhere
Get the latest on the BA Everywhere campaign here.
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated September 1, 2014
Hook up with the revolution
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