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In One Week:
Murdering Police Go Free All Over the USA— MURDER BY POLICE MUST STOP
Updated May 26, 2015

Carl Dix
137 Shots—The Whole Damned System Is Guilty!
Cleveland Judge Lets Cop Involved in Murder of Timothy Russell & Malissa Williams Walk!
by Carl Dix
May 23, 2015
Statement by the Cleveland Branch, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA:
May 25, 2015
Bring BA to the Start of What Could Potentially Be "A Long, Hot Summer"
May 25, 2015
Obama's Three-Pronged Offensive:
Fraud, Repression, and Sugar-Coated Poison
May 25, 2015
July 1st—Nationwide
Protest New Restrictions on Abortion In Kansas, Tennessee and Nationwide! Fetuses are NOT babies! Abortion is NOT murder! Women are NOT incubators!
May 25, 2015
Six Months Later:
Still No Justice for 12-year-old Tamir Rice!
On viewing the film Revolution & Religion
"The film brings you up close inside Cornel West's and Bob Avakian's dialogue: the passion, the audacity, the science, the morality, the revolutionary substance. Two courageous voices modeling a morality that refuses to accept injustice – pouring heart and soul into standing together challenging all of us to fight for a world worthy of humanity."
—Andy Zee, co-director of the film
"It was like there was magic in the air. It was one of the most hopeful things that I've seen in a very long time. I think it was historic in many different dimensions: in terms of the topic that was approached; the people who were involved in it, the two speakers; the moment in time. I felt like I was able to see a great demonstration of morality and conscience applied to dealing with the problems of humanity—that both speakers stood out this way."
—Ardea Skybreak
Watching Clips from the Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian in West Baltimore
May 11, 2015

It's Right to Rebel Against Murder by Police
This SYSTEM cannot do away with MURDER BY POLICE
But REVOLUTION can do away with this SYSTEM
Also in this issue
July 1st—Nationwide
Protest New Restrictions on Abortion In Kansas, Tennessee and Nationwide! Fetuses are NOT babies! Abortion is NOT murder! Women are NOT incubators!
May 25, 2015
Over 330 Restrictions on Abortion So Far This Year:
Nothing to Do With “Life,” Everything to Do With the Enslavement of Women
May 25, 2015
"Say Her Name"
#SayHerName Vigil Shines Light on Police Murder of Black Women
May 25, 2015
The Revolution Interview
Kimberlé Crenshaw: Say Her Name—Highlighting the Stories of Black Women…Resisting Their Murder by Police
May 25, 2015
Genocidal Realities
Prison Rape: A Human Rights Crisis in the USA
May 25, 2015
Driver's License Suspensions—
Another Pathway to Mass Incarceration
May 25, 2015
An Urgent Fundraising Challenge:
Put RCP Publications on Higher Ground
May 18, 2015
» What People Are Saying About the RCP Publications Fundraising Challenge
» Visitors to revcom.us from all over the world
Points of Orientation on the Recent Vicious Crimes in Washington, DC
May 25, 2015
U.S. Rulers Battle Over How, Not Whether, to Continue Their Massive, Criminal NSA Spying
May 25, 2015
Why We Say “The System Has No Answers” To Police Terror Against Black People
May 25, 2015
Obama’s “Symbol of Promise”: A Fascist Police State for the Oppressed
May 25, 2015
Two Standards of "Justice": The Prosecution of MOVE 9 and the Exoneration of Killer Cop Brelo
May 25, 2015
Baltimore—The Reality, The Struggle, The Stakes
Baltimore, Freddie Gray:
The Stakes Are Still High
May 25, 2015
Interviews with Johns Hopkins Students
Stepping Out from an Elite Campus, and Standing with the Rebels of Baltimore
May 21, 2015
The Baltimore Police Murder of Tyrone West—and the Hard-Fought Struggle for Justice
"We're not going to stop till killer cops are in cell blocks!"
May 25, 2015
Interview in West Baltimore: "We need a revolution. We do."
May 25, 2015
West Baltimore: "I Take a Lot of Pleasure Being Part of This... Even Though It's in the Beginning Stages"
May 18, 2015
An interview.
Revolution Interview with D. Watkins:
Super-Segregation, Police Terror, and People's Uprising in Baltimore
May 18, 2015
Baltimore: Taking the Battle for Justice for Freddie Gray to the Doors of the FOP
May 25, 2015
A Revolution Club discusses the "High Stakes in Baltimore" and getting organized for an ACTUAL revolution
May 18, 2015
BAsics in B'More
URGENT—Call for Donations
May 18, 2015
BAsics to Baltimore Pledge from Art Blakey II—Jazz musician/activist
May 25, 2015
Forum, Thursday May 28 in Baltimore
Uprising in Baltimore—Our Fight Has Just Begun
6:30 at First Unitarian Church, 514 N. Charles, Baltimore
Hundreds Protest in Cleveland
Judge Lets Cop Walk in Murder of Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams
May 25, 2015
Two LA Schools Walk Out Against Police Murder
May 25, 2015
Around The World
Basic Points of Revolutionary Orientation for the Rapidly Changing Situation in the Middle East
May 25, 2015
Saudi King Snubs Obama’s Summit:
Alliance Tensions, Regional Upheaval, Intractable Contradictions
May 25, 2015
From A World To Win News Service
Indian State Arrests K. Murali (Ajith)
May 22, 2015
Statement From the Editors of Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic—"On the Arrest of K. Murali (Ajith) by Indian State Authorities"
May 24, 2015
From A World to Win News Service
Ten Years Later French Courts Exonerate Police in the Deaths of Two Teenagers
May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015
Seattle Protests Against Arctic Drilling
sHell NO—Shut It Down!
May 25, 2015
Santa Barbara—Another Outrageous Oil Spill
May 25, 2015
Of Continuing Interest
To the Revolutionaries and Resisters in Baltimore and Beyond:
What Is It That The Masses Most Fundamentally Must Be Led to Understand and Act On?
April 28, 2015
Letter from a reader
WORKING ON THE CONTRADICTIONS OF THE REVOLUTION: reflections on bringing forward a revolutionary people and organizing for an actual revolution
April 27, 2015
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Originally published April 14, 2013
Freedom and Necessity, and Proceeding from a Strategic Standpoint: Some Thoughts on Methods and Leadership
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Excerpts from Away With All Gods! by Bob Avakian:
Religious Fundamentalism, Imperialism and "The War on Terror"
Why Is Religious Fundamentalism Growing in Today's World
Some Points of Orientation, Principle, and Method Regarding the Accusations Against Bill Cosby
Clyde Young (Wayne Webb),
It's Right to Rebel Against Racist Brutality
Check It Out:
Jacob Lawrence "One-Way Ticket: Jacob Lawrence's Migration Series and Other Visions of the Great Movement North"
May 25, 2015
WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. Revcom.us/Revolution is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.
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A Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party: ON THE STRATEGY FOR REVOLUTION
Updated May 26, 2015
Ongoing and Growing Outrage and Protest in Cleveland
May 26, 2015
Chicago Sox Park: Taking a message to the Family Day baseball game
May 25, 2015
BAsics to Baltimore Pledge from Art Blakey II—Jazz musician/activist
May 21, 2015
Updated Poster:
Revolution Club in Baltimore, April 25 Photo: Special to revcom.us
Get with the
Revolution Club here

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger-generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.
Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
Announcing the publication of Demarcations Number 4
From the Editors of Demarcations
January 10, 2015
Exciting Announcement:
New Indian Printing of Bob Avakian's Democracy: Can't We Do Better Than That?
Copy these posters and distribute everywhere, especially on the campuses.
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Publisher: Insight Press
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