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Watch this film:
Watch this talk and Q&A's. Share widely. Read more
Questions from the Q&A's:
- From Part 1 at 27:13: How is it possible to maintain a movement of that scale for a long period of time?
- From Part 4 at 14:46: I've been out, trying to tell millions of people that we need to drive out this regime before it becomes too late... and I know millions feel the way we do, but if they don't act, does that matter? We say we still have time but how do we know that we still have time before fascism fully consolidates? How do we know how much time we have left?
Print/Spread Palmcards About This Film
What People are Saying Read more
Also available: Trailer; Q&As, Film Clips
“Order or Justice?”
Clip from Bob Avakian's film "The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!"
This Weekend and the Week Following: A Special Effort to Promote and Show Bob Avakian’s Filmed Talk on “The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”
November 22, 2017
Where to see the film around the country: Click here for times
Bob Avakian (BA)—Official Biography

Bob Avakian (BA) is the architect of a whole new framework of human emancipation, the new synthesis of communism, which is popularly referred to as the "new communism"....
The Emancipation of Women: Break ALL the Chains!
A Question of Basic Stand and Orientation
by Bob Avakian
October 18, 2017
Introducing a new feature at
A Righteous Upsurge Against Sexual Assault...A Crucial Step Toward a Different World
This week we begin a page devoted to the upsurge against the harassment, abuse and assaulting of women in this society, especially in workplaces, but also through every nook and cranny of society. Our aim: to “unleash the fury of women as a mighty force for revolution.”
The Horror Of Sexual Abuse Must Stop…
The Upsurge Against It Is Just…
Are We At A Turning Point?
A Public Forum at Revolution Books,
132nd St. and Malcolm X Blvd.,
New York City,
Tuesday, December 5, 7 pm
Speakers include: Donna Hylton, Fran Luck, Sunsara Taylor, Andy Zee (Moderator)
The New Synthesis and the Woman Question: The Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution—Further Leaps and Radical Ruptures," Part III of Unresolved Contradictions, Driving Forces for Revolution
Available in Break All the Chains: Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution
"Resisting The Brainwash—A Radical Revolt Against A Revolting Culture"
Read "Rebelling Against 'Guy Culture,' Fighting to End All Oppression"
by Bob Avakian
See excerpts HERE
Updated pre-publication PDF of this major work—now including the appendices—available HERE
Insight Press has announced that in addition to the print book, THE NEW COMMUNISM is now available as an eBook at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble and other retail and library websites.
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
For more on the Trump/Pence fascist attacks— News, Commentary, Materials ➧
Updated November 20
Statements refuting ‘civil war’ lie spread about Nov 4:
» From Revolutionary Communist Party
» From Refuse Fascism
Stand With & Support Revolution Books: STILL Under Fascist Assault – we will not back down!
December 1, 2017
The “Revolution Project” in Chicago: Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution
From the Front Lines with the Revolution Club, Chicago
November 27, 2017
November 29: VICTORY! All charges against members of Revolution Club arrested in July will be dismissed pending community service
Revolution Club—
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated November 4, 2017
New FAQ: "What does it mean to join the Revolution Club?"

Revolution Project
in Chicago
Revolution Summer is now the “Revolution Project” in Chicago. We are not backing off our mission. Volunteers sacrifice a lot. What will you give to sustain their work?
New Talk by Bob Avakian
The Problem, the Solution, and the Challenges Before Us
The following is an important talk given by Bob Avakian earlier this summer.
Where Did This Fascism Come From...and How Do We Fight It?
Some Key Works by Bob Avakian
“The Truth About Right-Wing Conspiracy… And Why Clinton and the Democrats Are No Answer”
“The Fascists and the Destruction of the 'Weimar Republic'...And What Will Replace It”
Celebrating—and Learning From—the 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia
Setting the Record Straight on Communism and Socialist Revolution
Refuting the Biggest Lies Against Communism
Lie #4: Communism is a form of totalitarianism. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin sought to impose total domination over society—through repression that invaded every aspect of society and individual life, and mind-manipulative ideology.
November 13, 2017
Introduction to new series Setting the Record Straight
BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! is now available online at
American Crime
Before You Go Along With and Give Your Silent Approval to the Murder of Tens of Millions Koreans, Take This Quiz and See How Much You Really Know!
Find out more...
U.S. War Threats vs. North Korea:
Trump Puts World in Crosshairs of Nuclear War
This Must Be Opposed Everywhere!
Case #93: U.S. Invasion of Korea—1950
The U.S. airforce carpet-bombed Korea, destroying every building more than one-story tall.
I Want to Be Part of the Movement for Revolution—What Do I Do?
To start acting now, click HERE
To learn more about and get involved with the movement to prevent Trump from consolidating fascism, click HERE
To learn more about and work with the Revolution Club, click HERE
To learn more about the Revolutionary Communist Party, click HERE
To volunteer with this website, click HERE
Questions and answers on getting organized for an actual revolution
Question: Who can join the Revolutionary Communist Party?
Question: Why do we not initiate violence during this period when we are carrying out the “three prepares”—why do we not just “get it on,” and try to bring down this system, right now?
Question: Aren’t Ferguson and Baltimore examples of the people initiating violence?
A Radical Step into the Future
Do you know anyone else—any person or organization—that has managed to bring forth an actual PLAN for a radically different society, in all its dimensions, and a CONSTITUTION to codify all this? — A different world IS possible — Check out and order online the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal). Authored by Bob Avakian, and adopted by the Central Committee of the RCP.
Find out more about the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America here:
Excerpt from The New Communism:
The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America—Solid Core with a Lot of Elasticity on the Basis of the Solid Core
Also in this Issue
On the Horrific Massacre of Sufi Worshippers in Egypt
November 27, 2017
Letter from a Reader:
Some thoughts on combatting the fascist approach to truth
November 27, 2017
Taking a Knee Against White Supremacy – Support Marshawn Lynch! Suspend Trump!
11/26/17: Refuse Fascism Bay Area took a knee against white supremacy right in front of the Oakland Coliseum for the Raiders v Broncos game.
What Else Happened While All Eyes Were Fixed on the “Great Election Victory”?
November 13, 2017
From Puebla to New York, from Oaxaca to Los Angeles: "The Trump/Pence Fascist Regime Must Go!"
November 27, 2017
From Aurora Roja, voice of the Organización Comunista Revolucionaria, Mexico:
“The State Is Not Negligent, It Is Criminal!” Proclaimed During the 5th National Week of Resistance “Stop the War Against the People!”
November 27, 2017
Against the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime: November 4 in Front of the Yankee Embassy in Mexico City
November 16, 2017
Contribute to get THE NEW COMMUNISM Everywhere, Including Into the Hands of Those Catching the Most Hell
From a former prisoner who is now an emancipator of humanity
November 28, 2016
Updated pre-publication PDF of this major work—now including the appendices—available here.
Sparks of Outrage and Protest Against the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime
Updated November 30, 2017
Michael Slate Interview
The Red Dress: Standing Against Nazism
November 20, 2107
Voices of Conscience and Resistance in the Time of Trump/Pence
Updated November 20, 2017
For more graphics for social media, click HERE
Of Continuing Interest
Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party
False Claims by Alex Jones/Infowars…and the Truth About Refuse Fascism and November 4
October 5, 2017 Statement on the Lies and Distortions by Fascist Web Sites & Trolls
October 5, 2017
Bob Avakian on the pivotal role of the Black national question, the pivotal relation between national liberation and proletarian revolution, in the U.S.:
» Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy
» "The Oppression of Black People & the Revolutionary Struggle to End All Oppression"
April 25, 2016
On "Principled Compromises," and Other Crimes Against Humanity
November 12, 2015
By Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Why We Have Taken Up the Fight to Build Refuse Fascism and to Drive Out the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime
A Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
More on Choices...And Radical Changes
by Bob Avakian
Comments from a discussion that went deeply into questions of why people oppressed under this system often get caught up in things like crime, who and what is fundamentally to blame for this, and what is the way forward out of this situation. Read here...
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Originally published April 14, 2013
Freedom and Necessity, and Proceeding from a Strategic Standpoint: Some Thoughts on Methods and Leadership
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
What Is an Abortion and Why Women Must Have the Right to Choose
Life Cannot and Should Not Always Be Preserved
January 23, 2005
The Strategic Approach to Revolution and Its Relation to Basic Questions of Epistemology and Method
By Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
August 4, 2014
Important Publications and Media

BAsics from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian
"You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics."
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
Order the book HERE
Download the book in ePub format HERE

BA Speaks:
Bob Avakian Live
In the fall of 2012, Bob Avakian gave a series of talks in different cities. This is a film of one of those talks.
Those this system has cast off, those it has treated as less than human, can be the backbone and driving force of a fight not only to end their own oppression, but to finally end all oppression, and emancipate all of humanity.
- Bob Avakian, from the film
Buy or order the DVD HERE

Order the book HERE
Download the full interview in PDF format HERE
A New Theoretical Framework for a New Stage of Communist Revolution
What is New in the New Synthesis?
Some Thank Yous That Need To Be Said Aloud
"Serious Engagement With the New Synthesis–The Difference It Could Make"
by Bob Avakian,
Chairman, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, Summer 2015
Updated with links
Six Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Published January 1, 2016
CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic in North America
Authored by Bob Avakian, and Adopted by the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
or Send money orders or checks to:
RCP Publications
PO Box 3486, Merchandise Mart
Chicago, IL 60654
REVOLUTION AND RELIGION: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion
A Dialogue between CORNEL WEST & BOB AVAKIAN
A film of the Nov. 2014 Dialogue on a question of great importance in today's world between the Revolutionary Christian Dr. Cornel West and the Revolutionary Communist Leader Bob Avakian
Break ALL the Chains! Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution

Birds Cannot Give Birth to Crocodiles, But Humanity Can Soar Beyond the Horizon
by Bob Avakian
Order the eBook.
$9.99 retail
Publisher: Insight Press
Read online:

Away With All Gods! Unchaining the Mind and Radically Changing the World (Insight Press, 2008)
by Bob Avakian
Buy the book HERE
Excerpts available:
The Bible Belt Is the Lynching Belt:
Slavery, White Supremacy and Religion in America
Religion, Patriarchy, Male Supremacy and Sexual Repression
Religious Fundamentalism, Imperialism and "The War on Terror"
Why Is Religious Fundamentalism Growing in Today’s World—And What Is the Real Alternative?
Constitution, Law, and Rights—in capitalist society and in the future socialist society.
Selections from the writings of Bob Avakian and excerpts from the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America
View or download PDF here now
Order book here
A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic
"Ajith—A Portrait of the Residue of the Past"
The Science of Evolution and the
Myth of Creationism
Knowing What's Real and Why It Matters
In today's world, without the science of evolution there would be no science. Written for both the scientifically-minded as well as those who are not familiar with science at all, this book details the facts of the science of evolution.
Order book here
WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.
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A Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party: ON THE STRATEGY FOR REVOLUTION