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Revolution Issues 651–Current | Revolution Issues 601–650 | Revolution Issues 551–600 | Revolution Issues 501–550 | Revolution Issues 451–500 | Revolution Issues 401–450 | Revolution Issues 351–400 | Revolution Issues 301–350 | Revolution Issues 251–300 | Revolution Issues 201–250 | Revolution Issues 101–200 | Revolution Issues 1–100 | Earlier Issues
September 9, 2007 Issue #100
- Jose Padilla Convicted, The Expanding U.S. Machinery of Repression: "Thought Crimes," Preventive Detention, and Torture
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 17, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Editorial: All Out! Support National Days of Protest To Free the Jena Six
- Philippine Revolutionary Arrested in the Netherlands, Free Jose Maria Sison!
- Revolution Readers
Speak Out on the Jena 6
"These young men gotta be freed!" - Bond Hearing For Mychal Bell: A Vicious Attack on Black People, by Alice Woodward
- Free the Jena Six—On the Air
- Free the Jena 6!
- New Orleans Two Years Later:, The "Progress" of the System… the Anger of the People… and the Need for Resistance, by Sunsara Taylor
- The Real Story Behind Bush's New Orleans Photo-Op, by Li Onesto
- Correspondence:, Day of Resistance and Remembrance in Harlem
- Go to for "What's New," Kick Off's, Statements, and Fund Drive Materials, Revolution $500,000 Expansion and Fund Drive Takes Off!
- Online Video:, Next Stop…REVOLUTION!
- The Case of Professor Norman Finkelstein—A Moment of Reckoning, A Time to Act
- Horowitz's Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week: A Nuremburg Rally for the 21st Century
- Correspondence:, The High-Tech Lynching of Michael Vick
- Online at, The Unjust Deportation of Elvira Arellano
August 26, 2007 Issue #99
- Katrina Two Years Later:, How The System Betrayed The People—Yet Again
- Katrina, Jena, and the Whole Damn System, The Need for Revolution and the Urgent Need for Resistance
- New Orleans: Capitalism in the Wake of Disaster… and the Disaster of Capitalism, by Li Onesto
- Katrina: Two Years Later
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 16, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Resist the Nazification of the American University, Wanted on Campus: Critical Thinking, Dissent. . . and A Revolutionary Movement - Reverse the Firings, Purge of Professors Accelerates Suppression of Critical Thinking, by Reggie Dylan
- As you start college…think about this: , Every Generation Leaves Its Mark on the World—What Will Yours Be?, by Sunsara Taylor
- Brownshirts in the University
- The Powers Behind the Fascist Student Movement
- Urgent Need to Right Wrongs at DePaul University, by Bill Martin
- DePaul Students Mobilizing to Demand Rehiring of Norman Finkelstein
- If You Want to Change the World… You Need to Know Bob Avakian
- Get the Truth at Revolution Online
- Think you know the truth on socialism and communism? Think that there's no alternative to the present setup?
- Donate | Sustain | Subscribe | Get an E-sub at Revcom
- [from Revolution #81, March 11, 2007] Special Supplement, WARNING: The Nazification of the American University
- Revolution Expansion and Fund Drive Kicks Off Around the Country
- In the Name of "Protect America"… , A Big Step Towards POLICE STATE America
- Free the Jena 6, Town Hall Meeting, First Day of School in Jena, Louisiana, by Alice Woodward
- Background to Confrontation:, The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention, Part 6: The 1980s—Double-Dealing, Double-Crossing, and Fueling the Gulf Slaughter, by Larry Everest
- Wanted for Mass Murder….
August 19, 2007 Issue #98
- Nooses and White Supremacy in the USA Today, Louisiana Goddamn! Free the Jena 6!
- Hundreds March Against "Legal Lynching", Free the Jena 6! by Li Onesto and Alice Woodward
- Readers Write on Jena Coverage in Revolution
- Editors Respond to Comments on Jena Coverage
- U.S. Department of Justice: Nothing "Irregular" or Wrong with Jim Crow "Justice"
- A short, brutal, and ugly history of imprisonment in Jena, Louisiana… and plans for more of the same in the future
- Correspondence: The Martinsville Seven [online only]
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 15, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- The Firing of Ward Churchill and the Dangerous Trajectory of Repression in Academia
- World Can't Wait Launches New Campaign, Declare It Now: Wear Orange! Drive Out the Bush Regime!
- Outrage and Protest in Chicago's West Side, 18-Year-Old Black Youth Shot in the Back - Killed by Cops
- Who's Afraid of Antioch College…and Why Are They Trying to Shut It Down?
- "Just in case you don't get it yet…" Proposed Ohio Abortion Law Would Give Veto Power to the Male, by T. Redtree
- From A World to Win News Service, Hiroshima, Nagasaki…and Tehran?
- From A World to Win News Service, "Towns of the Dead": A Hiroshima Survivor Speaks [online only]
- August 2007: 62 Years Ago…
- The Generals and the Christian Embassy
- Who's Putting the Heat on Barry Bonds… and Why
- Online Video: REVOLUTION Comes to L.A.
- Next Week: Special Issue on Katrina Anniversary Plus Campus Supplement
- Segregation Then…And Now—This System Cannot and Will Not Bring About Equality
July 29, 2007 Issue #97
- Special, Updated Revolution Expansion
and Fundraising Broadsheet [posted on Revolution Online August 1, 2007]
Support Revolution Newspaper's Six-Month Expansion and $500,000 Fund Drive!
Truth…in Preparation for Revolution! - Revolution: Connecting People with Bob Avakian
- From the pages of Revolution...(and available at
- What People Are Saying About Revolution Newspaper
- Highlights from The Revolution Interview
- New Developments—Struggle Sharpens,
Free the Jena 6!
by Li Onesto, Reports by Alice Woodward from Jena, Louisiana contributed to this story [ Online Update: August 6, 2007] - Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 14, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Who's Afraid of Antioch College…and Why Are They Trying to Shut It Down? [posted on Revolution Online July 30, 2007]
- As the Senate Debates: Death Surge in Iraq… New Threats on Iran, by Larry Everest
- Coming August 3… A Special Revolution Fund Drive Broadsheet
- Garage Sale for Revolution
- Letter to Revolution Readers from Alice Woodward: Contribute to the Revolution Reporters Fund [This article appears only in the online edition of Revolution]
- Knocked Up Is F**ked Up, by Sunsara Taylor
- Guest Column: The Declare It Now! Campaign—Wear Orange Against the Bush Regime, by Dr. Dennis Loo
- From the People's Viewpoint—There Is Not an "Immigration Problem"…There Is a Capitalism Problem
- From A World to Win News Service, Pakistan: Behind the Assault on the Red Mosque—And What it Tells Us About Today's World
- Update on the Struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico: Thousands of People Clash with Police at Cerro del Fortin
- October 22, 2007: National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and Criminalization of a Generation
- If You Believe…(#2)
July 22, 2007 Issue #96
- The Imperialist Debate Over Iraq: How to Best Maintain a Ruthless, Unjust Empire, by Larry Everest
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 13, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Free the Jena Six, Jim Crow Injustice in Jena, Louisiana, by Alice Woodward
- Reader Criticizes Revolution Article on Elections
- The Editors Respond
- Segregation Then…And
This System Cannot and Will Not Bring About Equality - New Campaign Launched by World Can't Wait, Declare Yourself: Wear Orange!
- Former Surgeon General Exposes Suppression of Science by the Bush Regime
- Bush's New Nominee for Surgeon General: James Holsinger, Anti-Gay Bigot
- Chilean Activist and Others Rounded Up in ICE Raid on Amtrak Train
- West Memphis, Arkansas: Police Killing of 12-Year-Old DeAunta Terrell Farrow
- If You Believe…
- Corrections
July 15, 2007 Issue #95
- America: Separate, Unequal, and Badly in Need of Revolution
- U.S. Supreme Court Fortifies The Savage Inequalities
- Roberts Court Tears Up Foundational Norms in the U.S. Legal System
- Free The Jena 6! Jena, Louisiana: Nooses and White Supremacy, by Alice Woodward
- The Murder of Cheryl Green...And the Real Cause of It, by Joe Veale, Attacks on Foundational Things in the History of the U.S.
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 12, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Background to Confrontation: The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention, Part 5: The 1979 Revolution and the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism, by Larry Everest
- New Campaign Launched by World Can't Wait, Declare Yourself!
- Wild Scene at Leimert Park, Confronting the Minutemen in L.A., by Nikolai Garcia and Nina Armand
- Denial of Tenure for Norman Finkelstein: Rising Outrage, and Raising Big Questions
- Update: Immigration Bill Stopped in the Senate – Fascist Anti-Immigrant Offensive Continues
- U.S. White Supremacist Court
- Corrections
July 1, 2007 Issue #94
- New Series on Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Has an Oil Strategy…But Can This Lead to Liberation? by Raymond Lotta
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 11, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Three Alternative Worlds, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- The Danger of a U.S. Attack on Iran…And the Need to Resist
- Background to Confrontation: The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention, Part 4: Iran in the 1970s: Oil Boom, Breakneck Development, Seething Discontent, by Larry Everest
- Prisoner Corresponds on, "The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism, Knowing What's Real and Why It Matters"
- Needed: An Uncompromising Fight for the Right to Abortion, by Sunsara Taylor
- This ad was published in the New York Times, Friday, June 22, 2007: 2008 IS TOO LATE. You ask: What harm can Bush do before his term is up? He can bomb Iran. He can appoint another Supreme Court Justice. He can continue with impunity the war crime of torture in an unjust war....
- 20 Months After Katrina… The Crimes of the System Continue in New Orleans
- Workshop at U.S. Social Forum: Revolutionary Journalism: Truth in a Time of Lies and Censorship
- In the News…and Online at
- [This article appears only in the online edition of Revolution] From A World To Win News Service, On women's NGOs in Iraqi Kurdistan: military occupation, "imperialist democracy" and "colonial feminism"
- Frederick Douglass: What to the American Slave, Is Your Fourth of July?
June 24, 2007 Issue #93
- NYC Public Schools and the Criminalization of the Students, What Kind of System Does This to Its Youth? by Linda Flores
- The Real and Present Danger of U.S. War on Iran...and the Urgency of Resistance, by Larry Everest
- Townhall Meetings June 21–July 15: Drive Out the Bush Regime—Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 10, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Special Showing of Bob Avakian Film at the Schomburg: "Revolution" Comes to Harlem
- Dangerous times demand courageous voices, Bob Avakian is such a voice
- Escalation in the Attacks on Dissent and Critical Thinking, DePaul University Denies Tenure to Norman Finkelstein and Mehrene Larudee
- From A World to Win News Service, G8 summit: "We eat the world"
- Who's Putting the Heat on Barry Bonds… and Why
- U.S. Military Targets Iraq War Vets for Speaking Out Against the War
- NYPD Arrests Over 200 at Puerto Rican Day Parade
- Update: The Rulers' Push for an Immigration Bill—A Program of Increased Repression and Legalized Slavery
- Update: Bush Signs Directive Giving President Dictatorial Emergency Powers
- Scenes from a faith-based future: The Bible Taken Literally Is a Horror, Part 5
June 17, 2007 Issue #92
- Senate Immigration Bill: The Clash in the Halls of Power…and the Real Interests of the People
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 9, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Call for Volunteers for the U.S. Social Forum, June 27 to July 1, Connect People with Revolution Newspaper and the DVD "Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About, a Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian"
- The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism Honored with Franklin Book Award Nomination
- The Chicano Struggle and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S., Part 5: Farmworkers Struggle, the 1960s, and Chicano Moratorium
- Editorial: The Double-Dealing of the Democrats. . . and the Urgent Need for Mass Independent Action
- Background to Confrontation: The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention, Part 3: Iran 1953-1979: The Nightmare of U.S. Domination, by Larry Everest
- Victory in Civil Suit Against NYPD:, Jury Awards Millions to Family of Malcolm Ferguson, The struggle is far from over
- Rostock, Germany: Anti-G8 Protesters Confront Imperialist Powers
- New Assault on Dissent and Critical Thinking: University of Colorado President Calls for Firing of Professor Ward Churchill
- Scenes from a Faith Based Future… The Bible Taken Literally is a Horror!
June 10, 2007 Issue #91
- U.S. Imperialism, Islamic Fundamentalism…and the Need for Another Way, by Sunsara Taylor
- This Is Not A Story About Cindy Sheehan, by Sunsara Taylor
- The Ugly Logic Behind the Haditha Massacre
- Defending a War Crime: A War Criminal in His Own Words
- Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan: The Brutal Terror of the U.S. Occupation
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 8, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Special Screenings of the DVD Revolution in New York and Los Angeles
- Beginning in July: Revolution Newspaper's Six-Month Expansion and $500,000 Fund Drive! Truth…in Preparation for Revolution!
- The True Story of "The Great Gift Of The Christian Faith To The Peoples Of This Continent."
- The Chicano Struggle and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S., Part 4: World War II and the Bracero Program
- "Organize anti-G8 actions and advance the people's struggle!"
- Graduation Day Protest : UMass Students Repudiate Bush's Right-Hand Man
May 27, 2007 Issue #90
- Battle Over Abortion Rights In U.S. and Mexico…Honor Killings of Women in Iraqi Kurdistan…, Break the Chains!
- "Honor killings" – Who's to blame? A look at Iraqi Kurdistan (From A World to Win News Service)
- Pope & PAN Lash Back, Abortion Decriminalized in Mexico City
- The Deadly—and Patriarchal—Logic of the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 7, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Taking Out the Special Issue on Bob Avakian: A Half Million Papers. . . and A Step Into the Future
- Special Offer: 10 Issues of Revolution AND DVD of Talk by Bob Avakian, Both for $25
- Background to Confrontation: The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention, Part 2: The U.S. Seizes Control in Iran: The CIA'S 1953 Coup D'etat, by Larry Everest
- Senate Immigration Bill: A Program for Increased Repression and Legalized Slavery, by Travis Morales
- Major Provisions of the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007
- Los Angeles: Thousands of Immigrants and Allies March in Defiance
- Federal Appeals Court Hears Case of Political Prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Reporters Notebook from Coachella, by Sunsara Taylor
- The Chicano Struggle and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S., Part 3: The 1910 Mexican Revolution and World War 1
- Scenes from a faith-based future… "The Bible Taken Literally is a Horror!", Pt3
- Assaulted & Jailed for Protesting Bush at the UN, Jury Acquits Father Barrios of Major Charges
May 20, 2007 Issue #89
- LAPD Attack on May 1 Immigrant Rights March: Anger, Resistance Grows, by Luciente Zamora and Travis Morales
- Beginning in July: Revolution Newspaper's Six-Month Expansion and $500,000 Fund Drive! Preparation for Revolution!
- Revolution: Connecting People with Bob Avakian
- From the pages of Revolution...(and available at
- What People Are Saying About Revolution Newspaper
- Highlights from The Revolution Interview
- Volunteer for Revolution Newspaper!
- How You Can Contribute
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 6, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Excerpts from this Talk
- The Entire Talk (webpage 300k)
- The Entire Talk (pdf 1meg)
- The Entire Talk (zip 92k)
- Background to Confrontation: The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention, Part 1: Iran and Imperialism's "Great Game" of Empire, by Larry Everest
- Black Infant Mortality: Intolerable Example of National Oppression in USA
- U.S. Torture Center at Guantánamo: New Assault on the Rights of Detainees
- The Chicano Struggle and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S., Part 2: Mexican Independence from Spain, and the U.S.-Mexican War
- Special Offer, 10 issues of Revolution AND DVD of talk by Bob Avakian--both for only $25 (PDF)
May 13, 2007 Issue #88
- May 1st, 2007 -- Across the U.S., Determined Marches for Immigrant Rights
- Los Angeles Police Attack May 1 March by Luciente Zamora
- Denounce the LAPD Rampage on May 1st – We Demand a Better World by Travis Morales
- Chicago May 1, 2007 March for Immigrant Rights - Photos by Li Onesto
- From the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA On the Occasion of the May 1st Demonstrations for Immigration Rights: We Are Human Beings - We Demand a Better World - We Will Not Accept Slavery in Any Form
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 5, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Excerpts from this Talk
- The Entire Talk (webpage 300k)
- The Entire Talk (pdf 1meg)
- The Entire Talk (zip 92k)
- The Bush Veto, the Democrats' Response, and Why Millions Must Break with the Politics of Empire, by Larry Everest
- U.S. Relationship with Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue, and War
- Ward Churchill Must NOT Be Fired!!
- Book Review: AWOL from Iraq: "I cannot do these things any longer"
- Cheers & Jeers: Cheers for Zack and Rage
- The Bible Taken Literally Is a Horror, Part 2
May 6, 2007 Issue #87
- From the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, On the Occasion of the May 1st Demonstrations for Immigration Rights, We Are Human Beings, We Demand a Better World, We Will Not Accept Slavery in Any Form
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 4, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Excerpts from this Talk
- The Entire Talk (webpage 300k)
- The Entire Talk (pdf 1meg)
- The Entire Talk (zip 92k)
- Letter from a Chicano Youth, Fox News to Revolution
- Distribution of Special Issue on Bob Avakian Heads Towards 1/2 Million
- Chicago: Armed Government Raid in Heart of Mexican Community, "It was like Nazi Germany"
- Bush and Democrats' Immigration "Reforms": No Good for the People
- Washington, DC, April 25: Impeachment Demand Fights Its Way Onto the Table, by Debra Sweet, director of World Can't Wait –Drive Out the Bush Regime
- April 28: IMPEACH Day
- Greensboro, NC: 500 Say "No to the War—Impeach Bush & Cheney"
- Deadly Inequality: Behind the Rise in Black Infant Mortality
- Book Review, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
- The Chicano Struggle and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S, Part 1: Colonization, Conquest and Capitalist Development
- From Iraq to the Supreme Court: A New Dark Ages for Women
- Also available at, Articles Analyzing the U.S. Threats Against Iran
- The Bible Taken Literally is a Horror!
- The Not So Hidden Meaning of Words...
April 29, 2007 Issue #86
- Christian Fascists Gain Ground, Supreme Court Decision: Huge Attack on Women
- Why the New Abortion Ruling Is a Severe Attack—and Must Be Resisted
- The Facts of the Matter: Fetuses Are NOT Babies, Abortion Is NOT Murder, and There Is No Such Thing as "Partial-Birth Abortion"
- From Iraq to the Supreme Court: A New Dark Ages for Women, by Sunsara Taylor
- What Monstrous Crimes…
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 3, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Excerpts from this Talk
- The Entire Talk (web page 300k)
- The Entire Talk (pdf 1meg)
- The Entire Talk (zip 92k)
- Barack Obama & the Bush Doctrine: Shared Assumptions, Tactical Differences & Common Goals
- A Message to the Youth: The World Is Waiting For You And Counting On You, by Sunsara Taylor
- The Sobering Effects of Wearing Orange, by Jamilah Hoffman
- Make Plans Now! Support and Join the May 1 Demos
- Poster for Bob Avakian's Memoir and the book Observations on Art and Culture, Science and Philosophy
- Correspondence: Banned from Campus: Activist Professor Under Attack at University of Hawai'i
- Reflections on the VA Tech Massacre
- From Set the Record Straight: Lies the System Tells You, You Think Communism is a Good Idea but Doesn't Work? Take This Quiz and Think Again
- Also available at Analyzing the U.S. Threats Against Iran
April 22, 2007 Issue #85
- Why Imus Had to Go... & What It Says About This Racist, Sexist System
- Bringing Forward Another Way, Part 2, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Excerpts from this Talk
- The Entire Talk (webpage 300k)
- The Entire Talk (pdf 1meg)
- The Entire Talk (zip 92k)
- To all those participating in the drive to get out ½ million copies of the special issue of Revolution about Bob Avakian:
- San Diego: Fascist Raids and Vigilantes Terrorize Immigrant Communities, by Luciente Zamora
- The Britain-Iran "Hostage" Faceoff & the Trajectory Toward Confrontation and War, by Larry Everest
- Who is Holding Whom Hostage? Who is Mistreating Captives? Who is the Criminal Aggressor?
- Support and Build the MAY 1 Demos
- The Clash Over Prof. Finkelstein's Tenure…and the Assault on Critical Thinking on Campuses
- Update on the Struggle to Stop the Firing of Ward Churchill
- The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime is mobilizing people to distribute a million copies of this Call by April 30. For more information, and to pledge to distribute the Call, go to
- Revolution Recommends: A World to Win Polemic on Hardt and Negri's Empire
- Check It Out, "Inherit The Wind", From a Reader
- A Tale of Good People
April 8, 2007 Issue #84
- The Crossroads We Face—The Leadership We Need, By the Editors of Revolution
- April 12, To all those participating in the drive to get out ½ million copies of the special issue of Revolution about Bob Avakian:
March 25, 2007 Issue #83 - Online Edition
- No Good Choices in the Halls of Power: Democrats Vote $100 Billion to Continue the War, by Larry Everest
- NYPD Murder of Sean Bell, Grand Jury Indictments DO NOT Fit the Crime!!
- Around the World and Across the U.S.: Protest and Outrage at Bush and the U.S. War in Iraq
- March 20: Students Protest Around the Country, "The Youth Will Not Be Silent"
- Resistance to ICE Raids in San Rafael, CA: "They came for the immigrants, and we were all there"
- New Report from Southern Poverty Law Center, Immigrant Workers: "Close to Slavery"
- Report to Readers…, Response to Special Revolution Supplement: "WARNING: The Nazification of the American University"
- From A World to Win News Service, The Hague: Report on the International Women's Day Demonstration
- BP Deal at UC Berkeley: Corporate Research, Profits and Global Warming
- Capitalism and the Consequences of Biofuels
March 25, 2007 Issue #83
- BRINGING FORWARD ANOTHER WAY by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, Part 1
- Three NYPD Cops Indicted, Still Needed: Justice for the Murder of Sean Bell
- Calling All Readers... and Revolutionaries: Special Issue Coming!
- Dems Lay Down for Bush's Next War: The People Must Go "From Protest to Resistance," by Sunsara Taylor
- March 16-18: Protests in DC and Around the World Demand End to Iraq War
- A Few Further Thoughts on Israel and Apartheid, by Alan Goodman
- Roundtable & Radio Show in LA Confront Attacks on Critical Thinking, by Reggie Dylan
- Beneath the Surface with Michael Slate
- Bush Paves Way for Martial Law
- What's YOUR Morality?
March 18, 2007 Issue #82
- Bringing Forward Another Way, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary
Communist Party,USA
300K html | 1M pdf | 92K zip | Excerpts - Serious About Ending Four Years of Unjust War? We Need A Massive Movement Determined to Drive Out the Bush Regime! by Sunsara Taylor
- "The Silence of the Democrats", U.S. Threats Against Iran & the Imperialist Logic of Escalation, by Larry Everest
- You Can't Support Troops Waging An Unjust War! WHOSE WAR? WHOSE TROOPS? by Carl Dix
- This call can be found at the website of the organization World Can't Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime, at, Call for Student Walkouts: March 20th—No School, No Business As Usual
- This information was taken from the World Can't Wait website at, MARCH ON THE PENTAGON MARCH 17, End the War Now! Impeach Bush for War Crimes! No Attack on Iran!
- CD Review: Wynton Marsalis: From the Plantation to the Penitentiary, by Li Onesto
- Solidarity Statement for March 8, 2007 International Women's Day March in The Hague: "Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution!"
- Why Is Jimmy Carter Being Attacked – and What Does It Say About the United States, Israel, Bush and The Democrats?
- Historians Take a Stand Against Bush and the Iraq War
- Colorado's Farm Plan: Replacing Immigrant Labor with Slave Labor
- Opening Up a Conversation
- Ministry of Truth (pdf)
March 11, 2007 Issue #81
- From A World to Win News Service: Iranian Women Call for International Women's Day Actions
- From A World to Win News Service: On March 8, 2007, International Women's Day, united and in harmony, let us call for "another world"!
- International Women's Day (PDF)
- Revolution newspaper obtained the following information from the website of the World Can't Wait organization, at March on the Pentagon March 17
Special Supplement
WARNING: The Nazification of the American University
- WARNING: The Nazification of the American University
- Critical Thinking and the Search for the Truth: Today and in Socialist Society, by Raymond Lotta
- The Right-wing Demand for "Balance" in Education: A Stalking Horse for Indoctrination
- The Case of Ward Churchill: A Witch-Hunt That Must Be Defeated!
- Hitler's Nazification of the Academy
- Check It Out: Swing Kids, The White Rose, and Sophie Scholl
March 4, 2007 Issue #80
- Mass Deportations, Vigilantes, Government Suppression: STOP the Fascist Assault on Immigrants!!
- To Hell With Divide-and-Conquer BS
- U.S. Threats Against Iran: War Plans – and Pretexts – in Place, by Larry Everest
- Revolution newspaper obtained the following information from the website of the World Can't Wait organization, at March on the Pentagon March 17
- Part of Nationwide Crackdown, Gestapo Immigration Raids in the Bay Area
- Stories from ESL Students: "When Are We Going to Live Without Persecution?"
- Government Attacks Terrorize Immigrant Communities
- UCLA protest against the Minutemen
- Correspondence: An Urgent Question in the Protests Against NYPD Murder of Sean Bell: "Where Are the White People in this Struggle?"
- Report from Oaxaca, Part 4—The Changing Landscape of the Mixteca, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- Jeers to Tim Hardaway
- Celebrating the Revolutionary Communist Life of Billy "Jazz" Ellis
- Statement by the Revolutionary Communist Party, Bay Area Branch: On the Death of Comrade Billy "Jazz" Ellis
- Who would DARE to honor this man?
February 25, 2007 Issue #79
- Bald-faced Lies and Bogus Pretexts, Bush Threatens War Against Iran
- Feb. 15: Nationwide Student Strikes Against the U.S. War in Iraq
- Breaking Out of the Confines of Official Politics, by Sunsara Taylor
- NYPD Stop-and-Frisks: Criminalizing People in the Ghettos and Barrios
- Revolution Interview, Botero and Abu Ghraib: "I could not stay silent"
- Giving Back Dignity to the Victims
- Report from Oaxaca, Part 3—From the City to the Mixteca Mountains, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- Military Judge Declares Mistrial in Ehren Watada Court-Martial
- Tony Soprano's House
February 11, 2007 Issue #78
- Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA: The Oppression of Black People and the Revolutionary Struggle to End All Oppression
- An urgent call by scientists to: DEFEND SCIENCE!
- February 12—Darwin Day
- Bush Regime "Surges"…Toward War With Iran, by Larry Everest
- Jan. 27: Massive Anti-War Protest in DC
- Revolution Interview, "He was murdered, shot down, 50 shots," William Bell on the NYPD killing of his son, Sean Bell
- Revolution Interview, Botero and Abu Ghraib: "I could not stay silent"
- Giving Dignity to the Victims
- "Who's to Blame for the Situation the Masses Are In?": Students Debate Different Answers by Bill Cosby and Bob Avakian, from a reader
- Court Martial of Iraq War Resister Ehren Watada Starts Feb. 5
- Pentagon Attacks Lawyers Defending Guantánamo Prisoners, Interview with Michael Ratner, Center for Constitutional Rights
- Strike at Smithfield: Workers Under a Changing Sky, Part 2: The Struggle Erupts, by Mike Ely and Linda Flores
- From a Reader: Remembering and Reflecting on James Brown
- Contenders for the Throne: Barack Obama (PDF poster)
January 28, 2007 Issue #77
- This Must HALT! A Challenge. . .
- Three Alternative Worlds, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Resistance, Revolution, and What Should — and Should Not — Be Supported, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party
- Revolution Interview, "He was murdered, shot down, 50 shots" - William Bell on the NYPD killing of his son, Sean Bell
- Strike at Smithfield: Workers Under a Changing Sky, Part 2: The Struggle Erupts, by Mike Ely and Linda Flores
- "Who's to Blame for the Situation the Masses Are In?": Students Debate Different Answers by Bill Cosby and Bob Avakian, From a reader
- Pentagon Attacks Lawyers Defending Guantanamo Prisoners, Interview with Michael Ratner, Center for Constitutional Rights
- Memorial for Billy "Jazz" Ellis
- On the 40th anniversary of the Hunters Point Uprising: A Call to the Community to Fight to Drive Out the Bush Regime, By Billy "Jazz" Ellis
- Take the 7 Talks to the Campuses and Classrooms
- Wanted for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, The Bush Regime (PDF)
January 14, 2007 Issue #76
- Bush's New Plan: More Troops, More Death, More – and Wider – War, by Larry Everest (Special to Revolution Online, January 11, 2007)
- D.C. Demo Demands Impeachment: The Stench of Politics as Usual... And the Anger from Below, by Sunsara Taylor
- World Can't Wait Program at National Press Club, Against "Laying Back and Letting it Happen"
- The Basis, the Goals, and the Methods of the Communist Revolution, Living With and Transforming the Intermediate Strata in the Transition to Communism, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Police Brutality is Intolerable and Must Be Stopped! Bringing Forward a Whole Different World -- And Not Just Going For Some Payback, by a comrade in New York
- Strike at Smithfield: Workers Under a Changing Sky, Part 1: No Longer Hidden, No Longer Hiding, by Mike Ely and Linda Flores
- Report from Oaxaca, Part 2: Days of Fear, Joy, and Determination, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- U.S. Imperialism's Latest Crime in Iraq: The Kangaroo Trial and Execution of Saddam Hussein, by Larry Everest
- U.S. & Saddam Hussein: Co-Conspirators in Bloody Intrigue and Towering Crimes
- The Ironic Legacy of James Brown, by Joe Veale
- Check This Out: The Good German, The Good Shepherd . . . and "The Good American"? Movies "Interrogate" U.S. World War 2 Myths
- The Truth about World War 2
- O'Reilly Threatens Sunsara Taylor
January 7, 2007 Issue #75
- The High Stakes in Iraq—For Them And For Us, U.S. Rulers' Choice in Iraq: No Good Options, No "Graceful Exit", by Larry Everest
- On the Death of Saddam Hussein
- The Basis, the Goals, and the Methods of the Communist Revolution, The New Synthesis: Not Utopianism, But Dealing With Real-World Contradictions, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Atheists Push Back, Beyond Belief 2006 Conference--Scientists Debate Science and Religion
- Report from Oaxaca, Part 1: The Prisoners of Tepic, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- Report from Oaxaca, 2, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- Active Duty Soldiers Call for U.S. to Leave Iraq, Interview with Navy Seaman Jonathan Hutto and Sgt. Liam Madden-USMC
- GI Resistance Care Packages
- Daring to Change Minds and Move Millions: The Case for Impeachment Now, by Sunsara Taylor
- Cheers & Jeers, Cheers for Sean Penn's Call for Impeachment
- Ugly Dynamic in Somalia, US Backs Reactionary Invasion by Ethiopia
- Bogus History, Backward Thinking, and Bad Aims at Iran 's "Holocaust Conference"
- Outrage Over the NYPD Murder of Sean Bell: Our Readers Speak Out
- Echoes of Nazi Germany: Brutal Government Roundups of Immigrants
December 24, 2006 Issue #74
- NYPD Rampage of Murder and Brutality, THIS MUST STOP!!!!
- Serial Killings
- Views on Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom - A Materialist Understanding of the State and its Relation to the Underlying Economic Base, Part 2 - by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- January 4 Demo to Demand: Impeach Bush
- January 4, 2007: Demonstrate in Washington DC as Congress Opens!
- Why Impeachment Should NOT Be "Off The Table"—and Why the Bush Regime Must Be Driven Out NOW.
- Praying Won't End Injustice—We Need to Understand the World As It Is, and Make Revolution to Change It!, By Carl Dix
- Active Duty Soldiers Call for U.S. to Leave Iraq, Interview with Navy Seaman Jonathan Hutto and Sgt. Liam Madden-USMC
- Support Revolution Newspaper Reporting Trip to Oaxaca
- Report from Oaxaca - December 19, 2006, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- Report from Oaxaca, #2 - December 27, 2006, by Luciente Zamora and Nina Armand
- Michael Richards' Racist Rant, Strange Fruit and 50 Shots, by Li Onesto
- From A World to Win News Service, "The chain of violence against women goes back thousands of years and is long enough to cross every border and encircle the world"
- Augusto Pinochet: Fascist General in the Service of the U.S. Godfathers
- As American as Shopping and Torture: Street Theater on International Human Rights Day, by Sunsara Taylor
- New Government Subpoenas, Suppressing Dissent Under Cover of Law
- Half of Berkeley High School Attends World Can't Wait Teach-in, by a reader
December 17, 2006 Issue #73
- The Baker Report on Iraq: Desperate Straits, Deep Divisions, Dwindling Options, by Larry Everest
- Views on Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom, A Materialist Understanding of the State and its Relation to the Underlying Economic Base, Part 1, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Bursting Into the Atmosphere, People Demand Justice For Sean Bell
- Police Murder: What's the Problem? And What's the Real Solution?
- Oaxaca: State Moves to Crush Resistance, People Remain Defiant
- Debra Sweet: Will this continue to be done in our names?
- The Battle for Immigrant Rights vs. the Strategic Needs of U.S. Empire
- Cheers & Jeers, Studio 60's Holiday Tribute for New Orleans
- Exit Strategy
December 10, 2006 Issue #72
- Outrage in New York, The Cold Truth About the Police Murder of Sean Bell
- Killing to Enforce Capitalism and White Supremacy: 50 REASONS TO GET RID OF THIS ROTTEN SYSTEM THRU REVOLUTION!, by Carl Dix
- Special to Revolution Online, Statement from RCP New York Branch: JUSTICE FOR SEAN BELL! 50 MORE REASONS—WE NEED REVOLUTION
- Two Nightmares... One Criminal System (Poster)
- The Role of Dissent in a Vibrant Society, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- The High Stakes in Iraq—For Them And For Us, Part Two: Quagmire, by Larry Everest
- Chicago: Police Murder of Michael Smith
- Atlanta: Police Gun Down 92-Year-Old Kathryn Johnston in Cold Blood
- Special to Revolution Online, The Battle for Immigrant Rights vs. the Strategic Needs of U.S. Empire
- From A World to Win News Service, Nepal Maoists and government sign peace agreement
- Special to Revolution Online, Active Duty Soldiers Call for U.S. to Leave Iraq, Interviews with Navy Seaman Jonathan Hutto and Sgt. Liam Madden-USMC
- Nation of Torturers? by CJ
- Mexico: Secret Presidential Inauguration, Political Crisis, and Brutal Repression
- December 10-11, A Call from World Can't Wait: Take a Stand Against Torture—Pledge to Wear Orange Jumpsuits
December 3, 2006 Issue #71
- Lawyers File War Crimes Charges Against Rumsfeld and Others in German Court, Revolution Interview with Attorney Michael Ratner on the Case vs Rumsfeld
- Michael Ratner Receives Award from European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights
- Three Alternative Worlds, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- At Smithfield's Tar Heel Slaughterhouse, North Carolina Workers Strike Against Anti-Immigrant Firings, by Mike Ely
- Cops Fire Over 50 Shots, Protests Planned, NYPD Guns Down Sean Bell on his Wedding Day
- Mexico: Massive Protests Against Presidential Inauguration, Sharp Contention at the Top, and Deep Discontent from Below
- Repression and Resistance in Oaxaca
- While U.S. Talks of "New Direction" in Iraq:, Massacre in Ramadi
- December 10-11, A Call from World Can't Wait: Take a Stand Against Torture—Pledge to Wear Orange Jumpsuits
- New Film Shut Up & Sing, The Dixie Chicks: Still Not Ready to Make Nice, by C.J.
- Bush Puts Anti-Abortion/Anti-Birth Control Doctor in Charge of Funding for Family Planning
- An Ominous Question from CNN's Glenn Beck
- Ft. Benning, Georgia: 22,000 Protest the U.S. "School of Assassins"
- Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity: Donald Rumsfeld
November 26, 2006 Issue #70
- The High Stakes in Iraq -- For Them...And For Us, Part One: The Crossroads in Iraq: Why the U.S. went to War, by Larry Everest
- The Struggle in the Realm of Ideas, by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Elections: Fantasy... and Reality, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by T. Redtree
- Gifts for the holidays, pdf #1
- Gifts for the holidays, pdf #2
- What the Elections Mean—and Don't Mean—for Immigrants, by Travis Morales
- Learning from Rachel, An Interview with Cindy and Craig Corrie, by CJ
- Check It Out
- The Election in Nicaragua and the Real Nature of U.S. Democracy
- Pat Tillman Family Attacked for Pursuing the Truth... and Not Being Christians
- UCLA: The Vicious Tasering of Mostafa Tabatabainejad
- Emergency Teach-ins Held in over 40 Cities and Towns
- Vice President of Torture (poster-pdf)
November 19, 2006 Issue #69
- The Elections: What They Do—and Do NOT—Mean
- Revolution Recommended: GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, pdf #1
- Revolution Recommended: GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, pdf #2.
- The (Deadly) Logic of the "War on Terror"
- Post Elections: Dissecting the Democrats, By Sunsara Taylor
- Saddam and Rumsfeld, Bad Week for Old Chums…
- Rumsfeld to be Accused of War Crimes Before German Court
- Post Election 2006, Women's Lives Still On the Line, by Mary Lou Greenberg
- Israel's Brutal Siege of Beit Hanoun
- Defiance in Oaxaca
- U.S. Torture in Iraq—and the Death of GI Alyssa Peterson
- Army Moves to Court Martial Iraq War Resister Lt. Ehren Watada
- Religious Ignoramuses of the World Find Common Cause in the Persecution of Gay People
- Archeologists Discover Missing Bible Parchment: "God Actually Did Create Adam and Steve!"
- Album Review, The Political Blues of the World Saxophone Quartet, by Li Onesto
- World Can't Wait:, Shaking Things Up at University of Arizona
November 5, 2006 Issue #68
- Elections: The Hype and the Reality
- Oaxaca, Mexico: Federal Police Attack Rebellion
- Update on Oaxaca, Mexico
- The Iraq War: "…And if the Democrats Win?" By Larry Everest
- The No-Win Election for Women And the Need for a Real Alternative, by Sunsara Taylor
- Upcoming Supreme Court Cases and South Dakota Vote: Anti-Abortion Laws… And the Fascist Theocratic Offensive Against Women, by Mary Lou Greenberg
- From: The Morality of the Right to Abortion… And the Immorality of Those Who Oppose It (Revolution 38, March 12, 2006)
- New World Can't Wait Statement for Election Day
- Revolution newspaper gathered the following information from the website of World Can't Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime movement: Emergency Teach-ins, It's worse than You Think—Where the Bush Regime is Taking the World and Why They Must Be Stopped - Watch the New York City Teach-in Online!
- Active-Duty GI's Call for End to U.S. Occupation of Iraq
- Kevin Tillman and the Killing Lies of the U.S. Army
- October 22—National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and Criminalization of a Generation
- Photo Slideshow of October 22, 2006
- Government Persecution of Journalist Josh Wolf
- The Vice President for Torture Advocates Waterboarding
- Check It Out: Bulworth
October 29, 2006 Issue #67
- Voices from October 5 Protests to Drive Out the Bush Regime
- Correspondence from Chicago and Oakland on Oct. 5, World Can't Wait, The Courage to Step Out on October 5th
- From World Can't Wait: Call for Nationwide Emergency Teach-ins, October 26-30: Where is the Bush Regime taking the World? Why Must it Be Stopped?
- Emergency Teach-in: New York City, Oct. 30
- BOB AVAKIAN: The Revolution We Are About Should Not Only Encompass But Welcome the Arundhati Roys of the World
- Printable PDF version of this 4-page Revolution pullout
- Taking Bob Avakian's 7 Talks to a Class on Student Leadership
- U.S. Response to North Korea's Claim of Nuclear Test: Hypocrisy and Threats
- Abortion in California: "What Is A Right If You Can't Access It?"
- Go to… to understand why the right to abortion is so crucial
- You…and the Democrats, On Iraq
- Radical Civil Rights Lawyer Lynne Stewart Sentenced to Prison
- Check It Out: The Atomic Cafe, by Alice Woodward
October 22, 2006 Issue #66
- The following report comes from World Can't Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime: The Courage of the Thousands Who Acted and the Challenge to Bring Forward Hundreds of Thousands More
- Call for Nationwide Emergency Teach-ins, October 26-30, Where is the Bush Regime taking the World? Why Must it Be Stopped?
- Interview with Nicholas Heyward Sr. on Oct. 22, "There's So Many Innocent People Being Killed by the Police"
- This call was issued by the October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation: Call for Oct. 22, 2006: Eleventh Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation
- Some Thoughts on Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom, Fascist Suppression… and the Minutemen At Columbia, Submitted by a reader
- Statement by New York City Branch of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA: Support the Columbia Student Protesters Against Fascist Vigilante Minutemen, No Charges, No Discipline Against the Protesters, No Human Being is Illegal
- Announcement to our readers:
- Declared Enemy Combatant, Then Brutalized in Military Prison, The Torture of Jose Padilla
- New Study Reveals: Over 650,000 Iraqis Killed by U.S. Occupiers
- The Federal Treason Indictment: Threatening Extreme Punishment for Public Speeches
- Doing "Katrina Time"—Torture in New Orleans Prisons, Part 3: Dungeon "Justice" and Slave Labor, by Li Onesto
- Heading Towards a Showdown in Oaxaca
- Movie Review, Jesus Camp and America's Madrassas, from a reader
- Tiktaalik and the Evolution of Tetrapods
- You…and the Democrats, On the Right to Abortion
- Opening Game at Superdome, Bush Sr., and Fab 5 Freddy
October 15, 2006 Issue #65
- October 5: Thousands March Against the Bush Regime…Hundreds of Thousands More Urgently Needed!
- Revolution online slideshow: World Can't Wait October 5, 2006
- World Can't Wait Photo Slideshow, Chicago ,October 5, 2006, by Li Onesto
- A Message from the World Can't Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime on Oct. 5
- Sanctions—a Step Towards a U.S. War on Iran
- Interview with Bill Goodman, Center for Constitutional Rights, The New Military Commissions Act: "It is a dangerous moment for all of us"
- Nazi Cleansing of America's Universities: Could It Happen Here?, by Reggie Dylan
- The Real Ugliness Behind the Foley Scandal
- Doing "Katrina Time"—Torture in New Orleans Prisons, Part 2: Evacuation Nightmare, by Li Onesto
- Vigilante Minuteman Shut Down At Columbia University, Minutemen confronted at Columbia
- From Set the Record Straight, Lies the System Tells You, You Think Communism Is a Good Idea but Doesn't Work?… Take This Quiz, and Think Again....
October 8, 2006 Issue #64
- Bush And Hitler: the Chilling Parallels, from a reader
- We don't want a better War on the World, Behind the Democrats' Tough Talk on the War
- Salute to the October 5 Protests from the RCP, USA: Drive Out the Bush Regime!
- Doing "Katrina Time"—Torture in New Orleans Prisons, Part 1: Locked Cells in Rising Water, by Li Onesto
- Bush's Grand Ambitions and the Danger of War Escalation, by Larry Everest
- The Facts About the Military Commission Act (Torture Law)
- On the 40th anniversary of the Hunters Point Uprising, A Call to the Community to Fight to Drive Out the Bush Regime, by Billy "Jazz" Ellis, Supporter of Revolution newspaper, retired MUNI driver, and former resident of Doublerock
- Revolution received the following statement: Oct. 5, 2006—Drive Out the Bush Regime & Bring the Whole Agenda to a HALT! A Call to Action for the Women's Movement and Everyone Who Cares About Women's Lives
- U.S.-Israeli Cluster Bombs: Massive and Monstrous Terror Against the People of Lebanon
- Set the Record Straight: What Is Communism? What Is Its Real History? What Does It Have to Do With the World Today? Frequently Asked Questions
- Check it Out: The U.S. vs. John Lennon, from a reader
- Anti-Immigrant Bills, Border Militarization, and Raids Move Full-Speed Ahead
- Meet Bob Avakian
- What People Are Saying About Bob Avakian
- From Ike to Mao and Beyond, My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist, A Memoir by Bob Avakian
- From Chapter Four, High School: Street Corner Symphonies
- From Chapter Twenty-Seven, Perseverance, and Inspiration
- Bob Avakian: Observations on Art and Culture, Science and Philosophy, Three Alternative Worlds
- Listen to 7 Talks, by Bob Avakian
- REVOLUTION: Why It's Necessary — Why It's Possible — What It's All About, A FILM OF A TALK BY BOB AVAKIAN
- The articles and excerpts above are also available here in a downloadable special supplement to Revolution newspaper.
- Pullout pdf #1
- Pullout pdf #2
October 8, 2006 Issue #64
- Bush And Hitler: the Chilling Parallels, from a reader
- We don't want a better War on the World, Behind the Democrats' Tough Talk on the War
- Salute to the October 5 Protests from the RCP, USA: Drive Out the Bush Regime!
- Doing "Katrina Time"—Torture in New Orleans Prisons, Part 1: Locked Cells in Rising Water, by Li Onesto
- Bush's Grand Ambitions and the Danger of War Escalation, by Larry Everest
- The Facts About the Military Commission Act (Torture Law)
- On the 40th anniversary of the Hunters Point Uprising, A Call to the Community to Fight to Drive Out the Bush Regime, by Billy "Jazz" Ellis, Supporter of Revolution newspaper, retired MUNI driver, and former resident of Doublerock
- Revolution received the following statement: Oct. 5, 2006—Drive Out the Bush Regime & Bring the Whole Agenda to a HALT! A Call to Action for the Women's Movement and Everyone Who Cares About Women's Lives
- U.S.-Israeli Cluster Bombs: Massive and Monstrous Terror Against the People of Lebanon
- Set the Record Straight: What Is Communism? What Is Its Real History? What Does It Have to Do With the World Today? Frequently Asked Questions
- Check it Out: The U.S. vs. John Lennon, from a reader
- Anti-Immigrant Bills, Border Militarization, and Raids Move Full-Speed Ahead
- Meet Bob Avakian
- What People Are Saying About Bob Avakian
- From Ike to Mao and Beyond, My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist, A Memoir by Bob Avakian
- From Chapter Four, High School: Street Corner Symphonies
- From Chapter Twenty-Seven, Perseverance, and Inspiration
- Bob Avakian: Observations on Art and Culture, Science and Philosophy, Three Alternative Worlds
- Listen to 7 Talks, by Bob Avakian
- REVOLUTION: Why It's Necessary — Why It's Possible — What It's All About, A FILM OF A TALK BY BOB AVAKIAN
- The articles and excerpts above are also available here in a downloadable special supplement to Revolution newspaper.
- Pullout pdf #1
- Pullout pdf #2
October 1, 2006 Issue #63
- The Torture Bill: Compromising Your Way To Fascism
- Talk Grows for Troop Escalation
- The People's Revolt in Oaxaca
- Mexico: Post-Election Crisis Enters a New Stage
- Revolution Interview with Father Luis Barrios: "We need to stop them. And we can stop them. But we need to come together."
- 16 Protesters Arrested as Bush Speaks at the UN
- The Movement for Immigrants Rights… And the Battle to Drive Out the Bush Regime, by Travis Morales
- An Open Appeal to Immigrants
and the Immigrant Rights Movement from Activists within the Movement
and Others:
October 5: Bring Your Spirit and Determination Into the Struggle to Drive Out the Bush Regime - Interview with torture survivor Carlos Mauricio: Torture as a Means of Repression
- Protest Confronts Torture Professor
- Interview with Bill Ayers: On Progressive Education, Critical Thinking and the Cowardice of Some in Dangerous Times
- Israeli Military Attacks and Economic Strangulation, Life in Gaza: Daily Hell for the Palestinian People
- Army Escalates Attack on Iraq War Resister Lt. Watada
September 24, 2006 Issue #62
- Taking the 7 Talks to the Proletariat and Building for October 5
- Update from Projects in the Midwest: "There's somebody way over yonder who is thinking the way I'm thinking."
- From a Reader: Engaging with "Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy"
- To Our PRLF (Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund) Subscribers
- BOB AVAKIAN, On the Importance of World Can't Wait and the October 5 Day of Mass Resistance
- Bush on a Mission to Legalize Torture
- Bush Pushes for War on Iran, International Agency Calls U.S. Report "Outrageous and Dishonest"
- From the Horses Mouth, Charles Krauthammer Calculates War on Iran
- Stem Cells and the Ethics of the Theocrats, by Orpheus
- Bush Crimes Commission Delivers Verdict
- Cheers and Jeers: Sean Penn
- Mos Def: Arrested for Guerrilla Performance of "Katrina Clap", by D. Firebrand
- Rosie O'Donnell's Bold (and Truthful) Comments on Network TV, by Sunsara Taylor
- From A World to Win News Service, Iran's Maoists make plans in the shadow of war
September 17, 2006 Issue #61
- Bush's Rampage. . . and the Real Alternative
- Bush Calls for Fascist Changes to Laws on Trials and Torture
- RCP,USA Statement, Originally Released September 14, 2001: The Horrors That Come From This Horrible System. Also available in printable PDF format
- Interview with Larry Everest, Framing and Fueling a Societywide Debate about the Bush Regime's Crimes Against Humanity
- Cluster Bombs: Death and Maiming – Made in the USA
- Victims of Israel's Cluster Bombs
- Voices from the September 7th Meetings Called by World Can't Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime
- The September 11th Massacre They Don't Tell You About
- Taking on Bill Cosby and Connecting People with Bob Avakian, Correspondence from readers
- Building For October 5th in the Projects and Engaging with the New Talks by Bob Avakian, by Joe Veale, spokesperson, RCP Los Angeles Branch
- From Ike to Mao....AND BEYOND, Follow-up and Follow-through on Campus
- From A World to Win News Service, Iran's Maoists make plans in the shadow of war
- Mexico: The Situation Continues to Sharpen
- Special Revolution 4-page supplement on Mexico: (These articles were originally published in Revolution #60) - English PDF (1.5 meg) / Spanish PDF (1.1 meg)
- Cheers and Jeers: Charles Barkley & Brad Pitt
September 10, 2006 Issue #60
- 5 Years after 9/11, Lies from the Bush Regime, Dangers and Challenges for the People
- 9/11: Cracks in the "Official Story"
- Mexico: The Political Volcano Rumbles
- Who Is AMLO, What Is His Program, and Where Will It Lead?
- Plans for Oct. 5—Day of Mass Resistance, Sept. 7: World Can't Wait Holds Organizing Meetings Around the Country
- Building for October 5th in the Projects
- A Jagged, Unjust, and Obsolete World: A Critique of Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat, by Raymond Lotta
- Government's Post-Katrina Program:Blaming the Victims and Murderous Neglect, by Li Onesto
- In the Wake of Katrina: Corruption and Profiteering
- Report from New Orleans, It Is What It Is
- Iraq War Resister Lt. Watada vs the U.S. Military
- Get Out the Verdict! Frame and Fuel the Discussion! Bush Crimes Commission to Release Verdict on September 13, Call for a National "Bush Crimes Day" September 19
- Connecting Bob Avakian's Talks with High School Students
September 3, 2006 Issue #59
- Hidden U.S. Plans for War on Iran: Imminent Danger...and Strategic Stakes
- Negotiations For War
- WMD Lies and Sanctions All Over Again
- Interview with Debra Sweet, National Coordinator of World Can't Wait: The Vision and Plan for Oct. 5: Bring This to a Halt!
- The Urgent Stakes and the Significance of Martin Niemöller Famous Quote
- Mexico: Election Upheaval and Brewing Storms
- Oaxaca: Teacher's Struggle Grows into People's Rebellion
- Setting the Record Straight Interview: "We had a dream that the world can be better than today"
- Katrina One Year Later: Never Forget...Never Forgive
- Elvira Arellano's Defiant Stand Wins Growing Support
- Israel's Hidden War on the People of Gaza
- Get Out the Verdict! Frame and Fuel the Discussion! Bush Crimes Commission to Release Verdict on September 13, Call for a National "Bush Crimes Day" September 19
- New Issue Now Available! A World To Win
- New T-Shirt Available!
August 27, 2006 Issue #58
- Katrina One Year Later: Never Forget...Never Forgive
- Spike Lee's When
the Levees Broke:
Bitter Truth About the Crimes in New Orleans, by Li Onesto - Funds Urgently Needed: Support the Revolution Volunteers in New Orleans
- New Revelations from
Seymour Hersh
The Destruction of Lebanon and the Bush Regime's Plan for War on Iran - An Unjust Ceasefire
- Returning Home to Destruction in Lebanon
- October 5th: Day of Mass
The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime! - Elvira Arellano's Defiant Stand, by Alice Woodward
- Susan Sheppard: A Celebration of Her Life
- Perseverance, and Inspiration: A Special Roster of Remembrance and Honor
- In Memory of My Wonderful Compañera
- "...her ability to inspire hope in others for a better world..."
- from Susan's Journal..
- Ode to the Plum Blossom
August 20, 2006 Issue #57
- U.S. and Israeli Atrocities in Lebanon Continue: War Crimes and Diplomatic Maneuvers in Pursuit of Empire
- Unjust U.N. Resolution #1701
- U.S. Expected to Expedite Cluster Bombs to Israel
- A World to Win News Service: London: 60,000 march against US/Israeli aggression
- Bush Regime's Crimes in New Orleans: False Promises, Vicious Reality
- New Orleans: Never Forgive… Never Forget
- Katrina Survivors Testify: "Bush is a liar! They did not help us."
- Photo Essay: Still Winter in New Orleans, by Li Onesto
- Revolution articles and statements on Katrina
- Interview with Debra Sweet, National Coordinator of World Can't Wait: "Join in this great wave of people on Oct. 5, determined to drive out the Bush regime"
- Ned Lamont: False Hopes, Bad Terms, and Ticking Clocks, by Sunsara Taylor
- The Power of Bill T. Jones' Blind Date: Refusing to Look Away, by CJ
- Correspondence from a Reader, Some Things I Want to Say
- "Living in an atmosphere of fear and recrimination," Interview with Shannon Minter, Legal Director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights
August 13, 2006 Issue #56
- The Bush Regime in the Middle East: Global Ambitions, Murderous Logic & the Danger of Regional War by Larry Everest
- Massacres and Invasion: The Bloody Hands of the U.S. and Israel in Lebanon
- Democrats Defend U.S. Attack Dog Israel
- From A World To Win Newservice: The Interests behind Israel's attack on Lebanon, and the Interests of the People (Special online)
- Question and Answer Sessions from Bob Avakian's Talks Now On-Line
- Click here for the full list of over 20 questions raised and addressed at these Talks.
- Behind the Giddy Castro Death Watch, U.S. Maneuvering and Anticommunist Lying, by Raymond Lotta
- U.S. Imperialism, the Cuban Revolution, and Fidel Castro, by Raymond Lotta
- This is not our Dance; Let's Step to Our Own Tune
- Aftermath of Election, Turmoil and Upheaval in Mexico
- Attack on Dissent in Academia hits Madison, Wisconsin Campus
- Reprinted from, October 5: There is a Way! There is a Day!
July 30, 2006 Issue #55
- From A World To Win Newservice, The interests behind Israel's attack on Lebanon, and the interests of the people
- Historic Talks by Bob Avakian, Get The Word Out!
- Click here for the full list of over 20 questions raised and addressed at these Talks.
- Terrorists on a Monstrous Scale, U.S. Gives the Green Light—Israel on the Rampage in Lebanon
- Israeli Killing Continues in the Gaza and West Bank
- Israel's Unjust War
- Chicago Police Torture Exposed—And Upheld
- Update from Mississippi, World Can't Wait in Jackson, by Sunsara Taylor
- Revolution received the following
statement: Oct. 5, 2006—Drive Out the Bush Regime & Bring the
Whole Agenda to a HALT!
A Call to Action for the Women's Movement and Everyone Who Cares About Women's Lives - Capitalism-Imperialism and Child Labor
- To Clear Up Some Confusion
- Some Crucial Points of Revolutionary Orientation — in Opposition to Infantile Posturing and Distortions of Revolution
- Two Excerpts from "Why We're
in the Situation We're in Today… And What To Do About It:
A Thoroughly Rotten System and the Need for Revolution"
From a talk by Bob Avakian, Chairman, Revolutionary Communist Party USA - Why George Bush defines marriage
as the union of a man and a woman… or Why the family hasn't
always been like this…and why the future holds something far better
Part 2: Socialism, Communism, and the Abolition of the Family, by Li Onesto - Gay Games in Chicago
- Jennifer Harris: Standing up to Persecution at Penn State
July 23, 2006 Issue #54
- Israel: U.S. Attack Dog Unleashed in Lebanon
- Gaza Under Siege
- Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran
- Report from Jackson, Mississippi: Last Clinic Standing
- Why George Bush defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman… or Why the family hasn't always been like this…and why the future holds something far better Part One: An historical materialist perspective by Li Onesto
- Mexico Tense in Wake of Election
- AWTW News Service: The World Cup: Does it have to be this way?
- Guantanamo, the Supreme Court, and Bush's Juggernaut of War and Repression
- Lt. Watada and the Contemptible U.S Military
- Note to Readers
July 16, 2006 Issue #53
- Rape and Murder of Abeer Qassim Hamza: The Bloody Reality of U.S. Occupation
- Iraq War Resister Lt. Watada Charged by Army
- Inconvenient—And Essential—Truths About Systems, Saviors and The Need for Action
- Problems with the Kyoto Protocol
- From A World to Win News Service:Submit or Die: The Politics of Israel's Attack on Gaza
- Seymour Hersh On Iran: Worried Generals, Lies and War Plans By Larry Everest
- Review: LEGACIES: Contemporary Artists Reflect on Slavery by CJ
- Check It Out: Slave Nation: How Slavery United the Colonies and Sparked the American Revolution Or Further Thoughts on "What to the Slave Is Your Fourth of July"
- World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime Summer Bus Tour
- World Can't Wait: Report from the Bus Tour in New Orleans
- World Can't Wait: at the Gay Pride Parades
- The Right-Wing Assault on the New York Times
- Chicago's South Side, Reading of Bob Avakian's Memoir: Different Voices, Shared Yearning for a Radically Different World Correspondence from a reader.
- As a matter of record....
June 25, 2006 Issue #52
- A July 4 Challenge
- In the Heart of Watts Celebration and Reading of Bob Avakian's Memoir
- Film Review: An Inconvenient Truth
- Raymond Lotta on Capitalism, the Environment, and Ecology Under Socialism
- From the Bush Crimes Commission: Suppressing the Evidence for Global Warming is a Crime Against Humanity
- New Developments in Attacks on immigrants
- Stop the Witch Hunt Against Ward Churchill
- The Bush regime should NOT be allowed to lock the future World Can't Wait Training Project Unleashes Activists by Sunsara Taylor
- World To Win News Service Examines…Potential U.S. Scenarios to Attack Iran
- Check It Out: The Road to Guantanamo
- Factsheet... Palestine: A History of Occupation and Resistance
- Excerpts from the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and from "On the Position on Homosexuality in the New Draft Programme"
- The Vicious Agenda Behind the Attacks on Gay Marriage
June 18, 2006 Issue #51
- The Vicious Agenda Behind the Attacks on Gay Marriage
- On Bush's Constitutional Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage: Biblical Morality, Slavery and Other Horrors By Clyde Young, Revolutionary Communist Tour
- Yang Ban Xi: Model Revolutionary
Works in Revolutionary China
By Li Onesto - East L.A.: Bilingual School Comes Under Right-Wing Attack
- Cleveland: Activist Jailed for Putting Up "Bush Step Down!" Posters
- Bruce Springsteen with the Seeger Sessions Band
- Cheers to Jon Stewart
- Same-Sex Couples: Denied Basic Rights
- Excerpts from the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and from "On the Position on Homosexuality in the New Draft Programme"
- Army Officer Refuses Deployment
to Iraq
- Correspondence: Katrina Survivors Fight to Return to Their Homes—Let The People In!!!
- Correspondence from a reader on... Voices of Choice
- Palestinians at Gaza Beach Killed in Cold Blood by Israeli Military
- A World To Win News Service: Potential U.S. Scenarios to Attack Iran
- The Purpose Driven Life—Toward Christian Fascist Theocracy
- "Left Behind"—the Video
Training Youth as Christian Fascist Warriors - From Testimony by Journalist Dahr Jamail: War Crimes of the U.S. Occupiers in Iraq
June 11, 2006 Issue #50
- The Haditha Massacre, and the Bush Regime: Illegal, Immoral, and INTOLERABLE
By Bob Avakian - Center for Disease Control
to Women: Prepare to Give Birth!
by Sunsara Taylor - George W — Extreme and Grotesque Expression of the Fundamental Contradiction of Capitalism
- New U.S. Maneuvers on Iran:
Tactical Shifts, Escalating Threats and the Continued Danger of War
By Larry Everest - There is a name for the kind of criminal who commits crimes like this over and over… IMPERIALISM
- The Haditha Massacre Concentrates
the Nature of the US War on Iraq
by Carl Dix - Reading, Promoting, and Discussing Bob Avakian's Memoir
- Senate's "Compromise" Bill—A Nightmare for Immigrants
- Lessons from the Dixie Chicks'
New Album
(or How I Visited the Country Section of the Record Store)
by Nikolai García - Correction: Ann Wright Detained at US Army Base
- From A World To Win News Service Film Review: Darwin's Nightmare
June 4, 2006 Issue #49
- From My Lai to Haditha:
The Recurring Horror of U.S. War and Occupation - THE BASIS,
By Bob Avakian - As
Fall ‘06 looms… Countdown to Betrayal … or Mobilize to DRIVE OUT
By Sunsara Taylor - Deaths on the Border
- Al Diablo El English Only
- I Didn't Know I had the
Confronting Reality as it Truly is.
By Jamilah Hoffman - Correction: Ann Wright Detained at US Army Base
- Correspondences Reading, Promoting, and Discussing Bob Avakian's Memoir
- Socialism Is
Much Better Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be A Far Better World
Conclusion—Bob Avakian Reenvisions Socialism
By Raymond Lotta - Reflections on Water
by Li Onesto - From A World To Win News Service Film Review: Darwin's Nightmare
May 28, 2006 Issue #48
- The "Border Crisis" And Revolution: Stepping Back on Some Strategic Dimensions
By Bob Avakian - Close Encounters
of the Horowitz Kind Part 2
By Alan Goodman - Correspondences
Thanks for Nothing
An Open Letter to David Horowitz - Big Brother and Journalists
- Ron Luce's Holy War
By Sunsara Taylor - The Brutal Reality of "Guest Worker" Programs
- Cheers & Jeers Ian McKellen's Spot-On Comment
- Feeling Safer Now?
- Reading, Promoting, and Discussing Bob Avakian's Memoir
- Socialism Is Much Better
Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be A Far Better World
By Raymond Lotta
Part 16: The Defeat of Socialism in China and Lessons for the Future - What's the difference between english only and whites only?
- From A World To Win News Service Film Review: Darwin's Nightmare
- Footnote Police Demand Blood: Ward Churchill Ruling
May 21, 2006 Issue #47
- Big Brother and the Phone Companies Bush Regime Spies on Millions
By Bob Avakian - From Ike to Mao and Beyond...
My Journey From Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist
From Chapter Six: "Your Sons and Your Daughters…"
By Bob Avakian - Red Flag Vs. American Flag Two Very Different Histories—Two Very Different Futures
- Correspondences Reading, Promoting, and Discussing Bob Avakian's Memoir
- Catching Rumsfeld the
Liar Red-Handed—and on National TV
By Larry Everest - Ray McGovern: "We're Not Talking About Petty Crimes or Misdemeanors, We're Talking About War Crimes"
- An Evening of Philosophical Discussion: Engaging with Marxism and the Call of the Future
- Close Encounters
of the Horowitz Kind, Part 1
By Alan Goodman - From A World to Win News Service Iran Maoists Hit Islamic Regime's "Nuclear Posturing"
- Bush to Order Troops to the Border
- Battle Cry for Theocracy
by Sunsara Taylor - Fear
and Loathing at Philadelphia's BattleCry
by Sunsara Taylor - Hiroshima/Nagasaki 1945
May 14, 2006 Issue #46
- A Call and a Challenge May First—Immigrants and Allies Take to the Streets!
- From Ike to Mao and Beyond...
My Journey From Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist
From "Chapter Five: Life Interrupted"
By Bob Avakian - Memoir Reading on Radio
- Horowitz's Brownshirts
and "Balance" in the Classroom
By Alan Goodman - Welcome Ferment on "Elite" Campuses
- Our Flag is Red, Not Red, White and Blue
- This call is from
The World Can't Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime: Mass Mobilization
Thursday, October 5—Drive Out the Bush Regime!
The Bush Regime Must be Stopped! - From A World to Win News Service Iran Maoists Hit Islamic Regime's "Nuclear Posturing"
- A Call to Readers and Distributors: Take Revolution to Immigrants in Small Towns and Rural Areas
- Socialism Is Much Better
Than Capitalism, And Communism Will Be a Far Better World
By Raymond Lotta
PART 15: The Cultural Revolution: Health Care and the Economy - Rumsfeld's Lies Exposed Live on TV
May 1, 2006 Issue #45
By Bob Avakian - May 1: Another World—A Communist World—Is Possible!
- From Ike to Mao and
Beyond... My Journey From Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist
From "Chapter Three: The World Begins to Open" and "Chapter Four: High School"
By Bob Avakian - Call to Readers Take Up the Red Flag on May First
- The Story of the Red Flag
- The Minutemen
— Enforcers of Death on the Border & Promoters of Racist Hatred
By Luciente Zamora - The Just Demands of the Immigrants Must Be Met!
- Support the Anti-Minutemen 5
- Correspondence Things are Changing
- México negro/Black
Submitted by a Reader - Correspondence from "Conservative Kansas" Distributing Revolution in the Midst of Immigrants' Struggle
By Bob Avakian - New Slideshow on
Still Winter in New Orleans
By Li Onesto - A Challenge for the People
Light Up the Sky with the Red Flag—Live Like Damián García
By Miguel Alfonso Cañero from the L.A. Writers Collective - Upsurge Continues
in Nepal U.S. Interests, Plots, and Intrigues
By Li Onesto - Interview with an Eyewitness in Kathmandu
- Forum at UC Berkeley "The Attack on Scientific Thinking and Why We Must Defend Science"
- More on the European
March Against the Oppression of Women in Iran
By Mary Lou Greenberg - Just Announced Oct. 5, 2006—A Day of Mass Mobilization: Drive Out the Bush Regime!
- Why the Democrats
Won't Stand and Fight: And Why YOU MUST
By Sunsara Taylor
April 17, 2006 Issue #44
- If
You Want To See A Better World…
From Ike to Mao… and Beyond Comes Out on Audio, Read By Bob Avakian - From Ike
to Mao and Beyond
My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist
From "Chapter One: Mom and Dad" and "Chapter Two: One Nation Under God—A '50s Boyhood"
by Bob Avakian - Which Way
Forward for the Movement?
by Travis Morales - Brownshirts
on Campus with Deep Connections to Bush
David Horowitz and the Halls of Power
by Alan Goodman - Immigrants Are Our
Sisters and Brothers, Not Our Enemy
Tear Down That Wall!
by Joe Veale, for the Revolutionary Communist Tour - Correspondence from Tucson: Communists and the Immigrant Upsurge
- Suppression
of Vaccine for Cervical Cancer
Christian Fascists to Women: "Abstinence or Death" - Selections
Still Winter in New Orleans
Photos by Li Onesto - Nepal: Mass Upsurge Against
the King
U.S. Up To No Good
by Li Onesto - U.S. Threatens War
on Iran – Nuclear Strikes Contemplated
by Larry Everest - Socialism
is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be A Far Better World:
by Raymond Lotta
Part 14: The Cultural Revolution—Accomplishments in Education and Culture
by Raymond Lotta - WANTED
The Bush Regime - Revolution received a number of responses to Alan Goodman's review of "The Professors—The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America"" from professors who are attacked in the book, and obtained permission to post several of these responses at our web site. Read the comments
April 10, 2006 Issue #43
The essence of what exists in the U.S. is not democracy but capitalism-imperialism and political structures to enforce that capitalism-imperialism.
What the US spreads around the world is not democracy, but imperialism and political structures to enforce that imperialism.
Bob Avakian
- Welcome the Immigrants
Tear Down That Wall! - Views on
Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically
Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom
From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey From Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist, A Memoir by Bob Avakian - Update on the Immigration Bills: They're All No Good
- Talking About Immigration in Watts
- Reflections
on an Airplane Conversation
Iraq, Horowitz, and Critical Thinking
by Li Onesto - Thoughts on New
Seeds of a Radically Different Future
by Alice Woodward - The Death of Anthony Soltero
- Check This Out
- Supreme Court
Refuses to Hear Padilla Case:
Bush Still Has Right to Indefinitely Detain Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
April 3, 2006 Issue #42
- A Fresh
and Powerful Spring Wind
Immigrants' Struggle: Big Changes and Big Lessons - Views on
Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically
Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom
by Bob Avakian - "The
David Horowitz and the New Brownshirts
by Alan Goodman - Open Letter to Youth and Students, From Dr. Juan Gomez Quinones, Historian and Writer, UCLA
- Analyzing the Immigration Bills: The Outright Attacks…And the Deadly Traps
- Around the
Tens of Thousands of Students Walk Out Against HR4437 - If You Think That Driving Out the Immigrants Will Help You Get a Job, Read This:
- "National Security" and Immigrants: the Hype and the Reality
- from
the Draft Programme of the RCP,USA
Socialism Will Abolish Discrimination Against Immigrants - Speaking the Unspeakable: Is the Bush Administration Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity?
- Socialism
Is Much Better Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be a Far Better World
Part 13: The Cultural Revolution—Complex and Liberating Struggle, by Raymond Lotta - Check this out
- Bob Avakian Books, Audio, and Video
March 27, 2006 Issue #41
- Hundreds
of Thousands Say NO
What Is Behind the Immigrants' Struggle — And Why We Must Support It! - Views on
Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically
Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom
by Bob Avakian - With the Volunteers
in New Orleans
Working Together While Debating Big Questions
by Philip Watts - Comments from Readers on Articles by Bob Avakian
- Protest from Below & Bickering in the Halls of Power: The Debate over Immigration Bills
- ¡Aquí estamos!
¡Aquí nos quedamos! ¡Y aquí luchamos!
by Travis Morales - Sir! No Sir!
A Film About The GI Movement Against The War In Vietnam
by David Zeiger - Set the Record Straight Tour Comes to Harvard University
March 20, 2006 Issue #40
- Nationwide Upsurge
of Resistance
Immigrants Stand Up and Say NO to Repression - Views on
Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically
Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom
by Bob Avakian - Protest
in DC
Katrina - Never Forgive, Never Forget
by Joe Veale - March from Tijuana
to SF Mission District
Latino Voices Against the Iraq War - DC Immigrants March
- Why Do People Come Here From All Over the World?
- Revolution Interview
Gissoo Shakeri: "The Bird of Freedom Captive in Your Breast Sings with My Voice"
by Mary Lou Greenberg - We Support the Resistance of Iranian Women
- The Battle Over My Name Is Rachel Corrie
- Check This Out
- Note to Readers: Online Comments on Bono Cartoon
- Truth… in
Time of Lies…
Subscribe to… REVOLUTION! - Continue to Sustain Revolution
March 13, 2006 Issue #39
- Chicago Immigrants—A Defiant Show of Strength
- There Is No "War
on Terror"
by Larry Everest - Report from European
March Against Anti-Women Legislation in Iran
by Mary Lou Greenberg - Views on
Socialism and Communism: A Radically New Kind of State, A Radically
Different and Far Greater Vision of Freedom
Materialism vs Idealism...The Fundamental Contradiction of Capitalism, and the Revolutionary Resolution of This Contradiction
by Bob Avakian - Extended One
More Week…
Revolution Sustainer Drive: $50,000 / 500 Sustainers - Democrats Out-Bush Bush on Dubai Ports Deal
- US Troops—A History of Shame
- South Central L.A.: Checkpoint Confrontation
- Religious
Voice Against Christian Fascism
Rabbi Sounds the Alarm on the "Christocrats" - Birth Control, Double Standards, and Oppressive Morality
- Socialism
Is Much Better Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be a Far Better World
Part 12: The Cultural Revolution in China, A Seismic Eruption of Liberation
by Raymond Lotta - Bono: Lunching with Satan
- Correction
March 9, 2006
- Views on Socialism
and Communism:
by Bob Avakian
Read and download the complete work
March 6, 2006 Issue #38
- March 8, 2006, International Women's Day, BREAK THE CHAINS,
- The Experience of Socialism in the Soviet Union and China, Women's Liberation on the Cutting Edge
- The Morality of the Right to Abortion...And the Immorality of Those Who Oppose It
- Women's Voices from the Book Dispatches from the People's War in Nepal, by Li Onesto
- March in Europe Demands Abolition of Anti-Women Laws in Iran, March in Europe Demands Abolition of Anti-Women Laws in Iran
- Call to Join the Great Walk Against Anti-Women Punitive Laws in Iran's Islamic Republic on March 8th 2006!
- Statement of the Campaign for Abolition of all Misogynic Gender Based Legislation & Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran
- European March for Women's Liberation in Iran (From a World to Win News Service)
- What the U.S. Occupation Has Meant for Iraqi Women (From a World to Win News Service)
- The Bible Taken Literally – for Women – Is a Horror
- Final Week of Revolution Sustainer Drive, You Rely on Us... We Rely on YOU!
- Drop the Charges! No Jail Time for the Anti-Minutemen 5!
- Socialism Is Much Better Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be a Far Better World, Part 11: Mao on the Contradictions of Socialist Society, by Raymond Lotta
March 4, 2006
February 27, 2006 Issue #37
- The Bombing in Samarra and the Horrors of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq
- Katrina Survivors Fight to Return to St. Bernard Housing Project
- Two Weeks to Go — Sign Up at!, Sustain Revolution
- A History of Oppression and Resistance Part 2: From Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement
- A Note from Bob Avakian: On Montesquieu, Slavery and the U.S. Constitution
- Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Global Warming, Part 5: The Future Is at Stake (From a World to Win News Service)
- Building the Future, Part 2 of Report from Liberated Area in Nepal by the First International Road Building Brigade
- Free the DC 2!
February 20, 2006 Issue #36
- The New Situation and the Great Challenges, by Bob Avakian
- $50,000 in Five Weeks: Sustain Revolution! What About You?
February 13, 2006 Issue #35
- Spies, Lies, Thugs and Torture
- If you're looking for the government to protect you...
- Excerpts from: U.S. Constitution: An Exploiters' Vision of Freedom, by Bob Avakian
- Revolution Interview, Dahr Jamail: Eyewitness to U.S. War Crimes in Iraq
- Black History Month, A History of Oppression and Resistance, Part 1: From Slavery to Civil War
- Cheers & Jeers: Rev. Joseph Lowery
- What About You?, Sustain Revolution!
- On the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the People's War in Nepal, by Li Onesto
- Reporter's Notebook, Voices from the Feb. 4 "Bush Step Down!" Protest
- International Tribunal Finds Bush Regime Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity
- We Dare Not Speak Its Name, by Rev. Rich Lang
- Socialism Is Much Better Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be a Far Better World, Part 10: The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China—Not Fanatical Purge, but the Socialist Road vs. the Capitalist Road, by Raymond Lotta
- Editorial: The anti-Islam Cartoons Controversy--Not About "Freedom of Speech", (From A World to Win News Service)
- European March for Women's Liberation in Iran, (From A World to Win News Service)
- Back from Iraq—and Shot by the Police
- Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Global Warming, Part 4: What is to be done?, (From A World to Win News Service)
February 6, 2006 #34, Special Update
- "...Bush's State of the Union speech marked a further step into the abyss of a new, high-tech dark ages, another leap in the direction of fascism. But with the ferment and resistance in this extraordinary two-week period, there is a sense of something beginning to take root and emerge from below—a movement with the moral clarity and determination to change the course of history..." (read more)
- Washington, D.C., Feb. 4, BUSH STEP DOWN and Take Your Program with You!
- Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!, International Commission Delivers Verdicts on Bush Administration
- Photographs from the February 4th "Bush Step Down" Protest in Washington D.C., by Revolution photojournalist Li Onesto
February 2, 2006 #33 Update
- Two Worlds Colliding... and the State of the Union Speech
- Photographs from the January 31st State of the Union Protest in Chicago, by Revolution photojournalist Li Onesto
- Support the "No Evidence Left Behind Act"
January 30, 2006 Update
January 30, 2006, Issue #33
- The Elevation of Alito and
the Future We Must Fight:
Part 1, Moves to Outlaw Abortion: A Leap in Patriarchy and Theocratic Domination - The Republi-Fascists... and the Republi-crats and Where Is the Real Alternative?, by Bob Avakian
- Building the Future, First International Road Building Brigade Reports Back from Liberated Area in Nepal
- Latin America: Behind the Turmoil
- Black Church Summit Takes Stand Against Anti-Gay Discrimination
- Tribunal Indicts Bush, Jan. 20-22: International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration
- Needed: $50,000 in pledges in five weeks, Sustain Revolution!
- Correspondence, The Impact of Mobile's Example
- Dominionism: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid, The future we must stop!
- Witch-Hunt at UCLA Targets Professors
- Bush Cheers New Anti-Mao
Biography, Authors Are "Thrilled,"
Maoist Scholar Says: "Big Liars and Big Anti-Communists Deserve Each Other." - Socialism
Is Much Better Than Capitalism, and Communism Will Be A Far Better World,
Part 9: The Great Leap Forward, by Raymond Lotta - U.S. Threats Against Iran, Nuclear Hypocrisy and Global Ambitions
January 22, 2006, Issue #32
- The Summons of History
- Reform or Revolution, Questions of Orientation, Questions of Morality, by Bob Avakian
- "A Leap of Faith"
and a Leap to Rational Knowledge:
Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps, Two Radically Different Worldviews and Methods,
Part 3: The Big Bang, Evolution, and Revolution, by Bob Avakian - Tribunal Indicts Bush,
Jan. 20-22:
International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration - Global Nightmare, Imperialist System
- Socialism
Is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be a Far Better World,
Part 8: Mao's Advance — Breaking with the Soviet Model, by Raymond Lotta - Ceasefire Ends, People's Liberation Army Launches Offensive Throughout Nepal
- Slumber Party with the Democrats
- Jan. 16 — Chicago Steppenwolf Theatre, When in the Course of Human Events: Creative Disobedience and Why the World Can't Wait
- Religious Voice Against Christian Fascism, Reflections on Pacific School of Religion's Response to the Religious Right, by Dr. Hubert Locke
January 21, 2006
January 18, 2006
January 16, 2006, Issue #31
- The Alito Hearings: Jubilation of the Fascists and Anger of the People
- The Christian Fascists and the U.S. Military, by Bob Avakian
- "A Leap of Faith" and a Leap to Rational Knowledge: Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps, Two Radically Different Worldviews and Methods,Part 2: The Leap From Perceptual to Rational Knowledge, by Bob Avakian
- U.S. War Machine... Heading Towards Iran
- Global Migration,
Lopsided World
We encourage our readers and distributors to distribute this issue of Revolution newspaper broadly among immigrant communities, drawing attention to the centerfold photo spread on global migration.
- January 9, 2006: "Monday Bloody Monday", by Joe Veale
- Taking Willie "Mobile" Shaw to D.C.
- An Appeal for Funds, Revolutionary Communist Tour Hits D.C.!
- At the White House Gates, Delegation Delivers Indictments Charging Bush with Crimes Against Humanity
- New York City, January 20, 21, & 22, 2006, International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity By the Bush Administration
- Correspondence, Harper's Editor Warns of Fascist Danger, Lewis Lapham's Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and Stifling of Democracy
- Food for Thought
- From A World to Win News Service, Hurricanes, climate change and global warming, Part 3: How Dangerous is Global Warming?
- Socialism is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be A Far Better World, Part 7: Mao's Breakthrough--The Revolution Comes to Power, by Raymond Lotta
- Go Ahead, Answer It
January 12, 2006
- January 9, 2006:
"Monday Bloody Monday"
The World Can't Wait called for "Bloody Monday" actions around the country on January 9 to "oppose Alito's rubber-stamp approval to the Supreme Court." Joe Veale writes about how revolutionary communists took this up in the southeast ghetto section of Washington, D.C.
Read the whole story >
January 10, 2006 — Special Update
- The
Christian Fascists and the U.S. Military, by Bob Avakian
Reform or Revolution: Questions of Orientation, Questions of Morality, by Bob Avakian
These are the third and fourth excerpts drawn from a talk given by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, to a group of Party members and supporters in 2005.
Previous excerpts appeared in Revolution 29 and 30: "More on 'The Coming Civil War'" and "Polarization...Repolarization...and Revolution"
An Appeal For Funds To Open Office In D.C.
Revolutionary Communist Tour Hits D.C.!
The Revolutionary Communist Speaking Tour is in Washington, D.C.! Spreading revolution and communism to people in the neighborhoods, the projects, workplaces, college campuses and high schools. Taking this message to mainly Black people on the bottom of society but also to people of all races and nationalities in poor and oppressed neighborhoods as well. The Revolutionary Communists will also take this message to Blacks in the middle class and to people of all races and nationalities amongst the middle class as well. And they are working to mobilize thousands of basic proletarians and others to the January 31 and February 4 actions of World Can't Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Thousands and thousands of dollars are urgently needed to carry out that work... to pay for Revolution newspaper, for copies of the DVD of REVOLUTION... major speech by Bob Avakian, to buy books and other revolutionary literature, for office equipment ... internet access, DVD players, food and shelter for the organizers of the Revolutionary Communist Speaking Tour.
- Taking Willie
"Mobile᾿ Shaw to D.C.
...I encountered a Black woman of around 50 years old about a week ago who very angrily yelled at me that we needed to leave it all to god! "I'm good!!! I ain't got nothin' to worry about because all this is in HIS HANDS!!!"
I told her that she needed to stop believing this nonsense! Stop letting things happen to us and take responsibility for the future yourself! I approached her and just began telling her about Willie Shaw. She continued to yell at me but I went ahead and told her she needed to listen if she had an open mind at all. She did listen. I read to her the passages mentioned above and went on to tell her that there's millions of people like Willie who, if they were conscious and armed with an understanding of how the real world works and began to act on that understanding, could fight for a different future. The world could be a much different and better place.This woman broke down in tears when I told her that our Chairman was challenging people like her to live like this and fight for this different and better future, stepping into Willie's shoes. She started telling me that she had recently lost her apartment, and her brother and niece, all the family she had in the world, had been killed due to neglect in some industrial accident and she didn't have the power or ability to fight the case. "I'm angry all the time at everything! All I know is that I see all this stuff going up for white people and our people ain't got nothing and are getting less and less and ain't nobody telling us what to do about it. I want to thank you for telling me about this because I needed to hear it."
January 9, 2006 Issue #30
- Polarization...Repolarization...and Revolution, by Bob Avakian
- The "I" Word Surfaces: New Openings and New Challenges
- The Trapped Miners in Sago, by Mike Ely
- New Orleans 2005: Never Forgive... Never Forget
- Delivering a Powerful J'Accuse --Right in Bush's Brave New "Homeland", by Larry Everest
- The S.J.Alito Border Checkpoint
- Christian Fundamentalists vs the University of California
- Socialism Is Much Better Than Capitalism And Communism Will Be a Far Better World - Part 6: The Soviet Experiment: World War 2 and Its Aftermath, by Raymond Lotta
- House Passes Cruel Anti-Immigrant Bill
- Hurricanes,
Climate Change, and Global Warming
Part 2: Man-made Climate Change (From A World to Win News Service)
January 6, 2006 Issue #30
polarization...and Revolution
by Bob Avakian
This is the second excerpt drawn from a talk given by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, to a group of Party members and supporters in 2005.
A previous excerpt -- More on "The Coming Civil War" -- appeared in Revolution #29.
Two more excerpts from this talk will be available on this site by Tuesday, January 10.
January 2, 2006 Issue #29
- More on "The Coming Civil War", by Bob Avakian
- Editorial: FISA, Alito, and the High Stakes of the New Year
- Religious People Sound the Alarm on Christian Fascism
- Drawing Lessons for Today from Hitler's Rise, by Sunsara Taylor
- Tom Tancredo, Republican Congressman, fascistic leader of anti-immigrant movement - Conservative My Ass! These People Are Nazis!
- Socialism Is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be a Far Better World, Part 5: The Soviet Experiment: Building the World's First Socialist Economy, by Raymond Lotta
- Defiant New York Transit Workers Strike
- Important Science Exhibit - Darwin: "Discover the Man and the Revolutionary Theory that Changed the Course of Science and Society", by Dread Scott
- U.S. Stages Elections in Iraq -- Results Pose New Problems and Dangers
December 30, 2005
John Yoo – Presidential Powers Extend to Ordering Torture of Suspect's Child
Dates announced for Drowning out Bush's State of Union

Dates just announced to drown out the Bush lies:
- Across the country during State of the Union address January 31
- Protest in DC on the following Saturday February 4
December 21, 2005

The Science of Evolution and
the Myth of Creationism
Knowing What's Real —and Why it Matters
Open Letter from the Author (excerpt)
Read this pathbreaking work and post
your own comments
December 20, 2005
Correction: (for print edition of English Revolution issue #28 p. 10) The headline for the excerpt from Bob Avakian incorrectly left out the name of the video/DVD REVOLUTION: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About. Distributors: Please print the correction(Avery 5160). Paste it vertically in the free space to the right of the current headline.
The online edition has the correct headline.
December 19, 2005 Issue #28
- "A Leap of Faith"
And a Leap to Rational Knowledge: Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps,
Two Radically Different Worldviews
Part 1: Religion Is Religion, Communism Is Scientific, by Bob Avakian - Cracks in the Halls
of Power
Dangerous Moves by Bush, and the Need for the People to Act In Their Own Interests - Who Hated the Bush Step Down Ad in the New York Times? …And what that Tells Us About Why We Must and How We Can Drive Out the Bush Regime
- New York Times Ad: BUSH STEP DOWN! And Take Your Program with You!
- Debra Sweet, WCW National Coordinator: Get Organized for the State of the Union & Raise Money for World Can't Wait
- Against the Slanders
- How And Why The Christian Fascists Attack the "Mainline" Churches
- Conservative My Ass! These People Are Nazis!
- Bush / McCain Deal, Torture….But Say We Don't
- Indicted! January 20-22, New York City, Second Session of the International Tribunal on Bush Crimes
- Support, Sustain, Spread REVOLUTION
- Contribute to the Prisoners' Revolutionary Literature Fund
- What Kind
of System is This?
Excerpt from REVOLUTION: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About
a Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party - On the Execution of Stanley "Tookie" Willams, To All those The System Has Cast Off..., by Joe Veale, for the Revolutionary Communist Tour
- Thousands Protest at San Quentin
- Richard Pryor 1940-2005
- Socialism is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be A Far Better World, The Soviet Experiment: The Social Revolution Ushered in by Proletarian Power, by Raymond Lotta
- From A World to Win News Service, Nepal: Parliamentary Parties and Maoists Sign Agreement Against King
- Hurricanes, climate change and global warming
- Behind Israel's Gaza Pullout, The Harsh Reality of Occupied Palestine
December 17, 2005

Bob Avakian Speaks Out:
On War and Revolution
On Being a Revolutionary and Changing the World
Interviewed by Carl Dix
Buy/Sample Audio of CDs online
Volume 1 and Volume
Spread the word!
December 13, 2005
REVOLUTION: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About
Excerpts from a Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party
And let's talk about what the system does to the youth everyday, to the future, or what's supposed to be the future, of the society and the people -- people without a job, youth who have no hope of a decent job who are hanging out on the streets looking only to something like crime to maybe give them a way to have something and get some respect.
Read the full excerpt
December 12, 2005
- Statement
from Joe Veale, for the Revolutionary Communist Speaking Tour on the
Execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams
Stanley "Tookie᾿ Williams, co-founder of the Crip street gang in Los Angeles, was executed in San Quentin Prison on December 13 just after midnight.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger coldly and callously refused to grant him clemency, saying that "the facts do not justify overturning the court decision.᾿ Even though Tookie Williams had changed and became a very outspoken advocate against gang violence and for peace. They showed him no mercy. But it is deeper than this. read full statement
December 12, 2005
- Statement by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, on the Occasion of the Death of Willie "Mobile" Shaw (1)
- State of
the UnionEmergency
We Demand Bush Step Down - The Alito Nomination: A Pivotal Battle...And What's Needed to Defeat the Fascist Agenda
- Enforcing Christmas as a Weapon for Theocracy
- Then and Now: Joseph Goebbels and John Yoo
- If Crushing
the Testicles of an Innocent Child Isn't Nazi, What Is?
by Phillip Watts - Who's Going to Step Up and Fill Mobile's Shoes?, by Joe Veale, spokesperson for LA Branch of the RCP
- Memorial at Nickerson Gardens
- Alert to Readers
- New Opening and Danger in the Fight for Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Chicago and
New York Bookstore Readings,
Making Connections Through Bob Avakian's Memoir - Conversation on "And Beyond"
- Pat and Jerry's Christmas Correction Camp
- Contribute to the Prisoners' Revolutionary Literature Fund
- Lehman HS, Bronx: "Change This World and Drive Out the Bush Regime"
- Stop the Harassment of Los Angeles High School Students Who are Against the Bush Regime!
- From the Stage of the Nobel Prize, Harold Pinter Delivers Blistering Condemnation of the Bush Regime
- U.S. at War: A History of Shame, The Vietnam War: Destroying the Village In Order to Save It
- How Can You Support Troops Who Kill Babies?
- Colin Powell and Vietnam
- Revolution
Frank O'Gorman on the Vatican Ban on Gay Priests - Pope's Benedict's Witch Hunt
- Key Post in Bush Administration: Ayatollah Bonicelli
- The Suppression of Plan B
- Rigoberto Alpizar: Murdered by Homeland Security
- Socialism
Is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be A Far Better World,
Part 3:
The Bolsheviks Lead a Revolution That Shakes the World
by Raymond Lotta
December 12, 2005
To the Editor, New York Times:
Frank Rich errors when he writes ["It Takes a Potempkin Village" 12/11] that George Bush's "Plan for Victory" speech is "the usual unadulterated nonsense." In fact, Bush's speech contained the rather unusual admission that "by far the largest group" of those Bush has deemed "the enemy" are "ordinary Iraqis, mostly Sunni Arabs." And however exaggerated Bush's claims of progress in "Iraqi-izing" the war, an essential element is ethnic cleansing. Seymour Hersh reports that in the attack on Tal Afar, US-sponsored Iraqi forces were "killing Sunnis on behalf of the Shiites," with the "active participation of a militia unit led by a retired American Special Forces soldier." The question is not how to win an unjust, immoral war like this, it is how to oppose it.
Alan Goodman
December 5, 2005
On the newfound criticisms by some Democrats of aspects of the
Iraq war
"An immoral and unjust act should be opposed because it is immoral
and unjust. To criticize it only for failing to succeed is the stance
of a scoundrel, and worse."
Bob Avakian, Chairman, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
December 5, 2005, Issue #26
- State of
the UnionEmegency: Bring the Notice—Drown Out Bush's Lies—Drive Out the Bush Regime- Opening Speech at World Can't Wait National Conference, What We've Accomplished...And What We Must Do to Drive Out the Bush Regime, Part 2, by Debra Sweet, National Coordinator, World Can't Wait
- The New Student Movement Against the Bush Regime, Resistance in the Face of Suppression
- Drop the Charges and Stop the Harassment Against the Hampton University Students Against the Bush Regime!
- Standing Up for the Brave Hampton Seven
- Battle over Repression of World Can't Wait Protest at Hampton University
- Speeches at National Organizers Conference:, Perspectives on The World Can't Wait
- Mumia Abu-Jamal: What Kids are Really Learning in School
- The White Rose Debate...And the Need for Extraordinary Resistance, by Toby O'Ryan
- Interviews with H.S. Students: L.A. and Oakland, "We're Tired of the Whole Bush Regime"
- Bush's "Plan for Victory" Part I:, Ethnic Cleansing and Stone Age Bombing
- The Free Speech Movement,
by Bob Avakian
(Excerpted from: "From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist") - Stop the Execution of Stanley "Tookie᾿ Williams
- On Christian Fascist Leader Pat Robertson's Demand that Society Impose the Death Penalty in the Way Prescribed in the Bible, by Bob Avakian
- From, Genocide American Style, Bill Bennett's Final Solution
- Bush's Intensified War on Immigrants, Man-hunts, Mass Deportation and Concentration Camps
- How the Democrats Are Selling Out Abortion Rights
- Chicago and New York City:
An Evening of Poets, Actors, Artists, Professors and More Reading from…,
From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist, A Memoir by Bob Avakian - Socialism is Much Better Than Capitalism and Communism Will Be A Far Better World, Part 2: Communism and Socialism, by Raymond Lotta
- Berkeley: Banning "Outside Agitators" For Denouncing Torture?
- Torture Victims Confront Torture Advocate
Nov.2 Slide Shows
Bob Avakian
- Now Available!
New Collection of Articles by Bob Avakian,
The Coming Civil War and Repolarization for Revolution in the Present Era - Advancing the World Revolutionary Movement, by Bob Avakian.
- Conquer the World? The International Proletariat Must and Will
- "BOB AVAKIAN SPEAKS": Downloadable talks at
- "The Philosophical Basis of Proletarian Internationalism"
- Bob Avakian on the Right-Wing Agenda
- Dictatorship and Democracy, & the Socialist Transition to Communism Part 1: The Talk Part 2: Q & A
- Now Available:
FROM IKE TO MAO AND BEYOND: My Journey From Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist
A Memoir by Bob Avakian
Instructional Video for Organizers:
Revolution Issues 651–Current | Revolution Issues 601–650 | Revolution Issues 551–600 | Revolution Issues 501–550 | Revolution Issues 451–500 | Revolution Issues 401–450 | Revolution Issues 351–400 | Revolution Issues 301–350 | Revolution Issues 251–300 | Revolution Issues 201–250 | Revolution Issues 101–200 | Revolution Issues 1–100 | Earlier Issues
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